
Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I'm sorry to announce that I'll be taking a break on most reviews and posts. I should be back in another month or so, and I will still post any scheduled reviews, interviews, or guest posts.
I am pregnant and the morning sickness is really getting the best of me. I'm also still chasing around my little girl and trying to decide on a house. So, right now, I'm watching lots of Grey's Anatomy, and trying to chill.
Hope ya'll understand and will still be around when I'm back!


  1. Make sure you rest lots!!
    Can't blame you for needing to take a break, morning sickness must be horrible when you already have another child to look after.

  2. Morning sickness is brutal! Get off your feet and take it easy. :)

  3. Ooh, yes, take a break! Get lots of rest. Many blessings for you, your family and its future addition! :)

  4. How did I have no idea that you were pregnant? Congrats! I'm sure you could use the break right now. We'll miss you, but you need it. Take care :)

  5. Oh congrats! :) Take your time and enjoy your pregnancy... we'll all still be here. ;)

  6. Congrats on being pregnant but boo to the morning sickness! I hope you feel better soon and enjoy your break!

  7. Aw bless, take care and relax. Hope you feel better soon. :D

  8. Congrats on the coming baby! Take care of yourself and we will still be here when you get least, I will! =O)

  9. Woohhoo! Congratulations on the bun in the oven! --Get plenty of rest, eat/drink healthy, get appropriate exercise, and enjoy (I know it's hard during this n/v phase)!!

    Take great care ... I'll be among many that will be here when you get back. :)

  10. You'll be missed Brandi! You should definitely take some time for yourself and your family:) Hope the morning sickness passes soon for you!

  11. Hope to see you back soon. Congrats on being pregnant even though it's so tough right now. Hope you have a nice break.

  12. I will miss you but your baby and your health come first, good luck on the house and enjoy just "chillin"! We will be here do not fear that Brandi, have to just wait until you are feeling better to enjoy your input on the blog again!

  13. Will see ya when you come back :)

  14. Oh no- I hope you feel better soon! Take care of yourself and get plenty of rest.

  15. I understand all too well. Take care of yourself and your little girl. That's what's really important.

  16. Have a lovely rest and look after yourself. Most important.


  17. First of call, congratulations on your pregnancy. I hope you're getting plenty of rest and that the morning sickness goes away soon. Take as much time as you need and look after yourself. :)

  18. Congradulations! But I'm so sad you're going.
    Good ol' Greys!
    Congrats again!

  19. I hope the morning sickness stops soon. Enjoy your Grey's Anatomy and we'll see you soon. x

  20. Hi Brandi!
    Hope you feel sister had really bad morning sickness during her pregnancy too :(. Hope to see ya back at my blog when you're back!


  21. I hope you will feel better soon, Brandi

  22. Congratulations on your pregnancy. Hope you feel better soon.


I would love to hear from you! (I always try to visit your blog back) I love links, so feel free to link to your blog or a post you like.
Sorry, but I am award and tag free zone, I do not have the time to return. Comments are reward enough :)