Feel free to nominate me or your other favorite bloggers.
The process has changed significantly this year from last year so please read the following directions carefully. Please also read
our FAQ. Do not hesitate to ask any questions, you can email us at bookbloggerappreciationweek@gmail.com
Nominations are now open.
In order to nominate a blog, one must log-in to
the special BBAW Awards site and register with the BBAW Directory using either your google ID or your Twitter account. You may nominate one blog per category.Please note: Nominating blogs is a time intensive activity, be sure to set aside a block of time to complete your nomination form.
Please be aware that when you make your nominations, you will need to have the following information on hand:
The Blog’s Name
The Blog’s URL
The Email Address for the blog
Any nominations without this completed information will be disqualified.
If there are more than 25 blogs with the same number of nominations, you will receive another ballot to break the tie. If less than three blogs are nominated in any one category that category will be removed from consideration.
If a blogger receives multiple nominations across categories, they’ll be given the chance to choose the category they feel best represents their blog. They will also be asked to submit five links they feel best represent their blog in the past year. These five links should include one review link.
Nominations close August 13th.
Blogs on the long list will be evaluated by a panel of judges according to predetermined criteria. Long lists will have no more than 25 blogs and no fewer than six. If a category has too few nominations those blogs will automatically advance to the short list stage.
Short list voting will be open September 5th and will require a twitter id or google log-in to vote.
Best Written Book Blog
This blog is consistently well-written, clear, and engaging, no matter what the subject.
Best Author Interviews
This blogger does his or her research and asks the questions no one else does. These interviews are top-notch. Note that this award reflects the quality of the interviews, not the popularity of the person being interviewed.
Best New Book Blog
his blog was launched on or after September 1, 2010. The blogger has already made his or her mark in terms of the quality of the reviews, recommendations, analyses, and other content on the blog; it’s hard to imagine the book blogging world without this blogger.
Best Book Blog Meme
This weekly or monthly meme is one that you never miss. You look forward to contributing on a regular basis and/or to reading the participants’ posts.
Best Book Blogging Event
This event, whether it focuses on blogging, reading, collecting reviews, or building community, inspires everyone to join in. It brings bloggers together for fun, learning, reading, or mutual support and help.
Best Book Blog Feature or Series of Posts
This weekly or monthly feature is something that an individual blogger does on a regular basis, but that does not include the community participation of a meme.
Best Eclectic Book Blog
This blog doesn’t specialize in any one book genre. It is known for consistently excellent reviews, recommendations, analyses, and other content in a variety of genres.
Best Kidlit Book Blog
This blog offers the best consistently excellent reviews, recommendations, analyses, and other content for books written for young children through middle-grade readers.
Best Young Adult Book Blog
This blog offers the best consistently excellent reviews, recommendations, analyses, and other content for books written for a young adult audience.
Best Nonfiction Book Blog
This blog offers the best consistently excellent reviews, recommendations, analyses, and other content in nonfiction. It may cover a variety of areas or focus on one particular field.
Best Speculative Fiction Book Blog
This blog offers the best consistently excellent reviews, recommendations, analyses, and other content in fantasy, science fiction, horror, and/or paranormal books. The blog may cover several of these subgenres or just one.
Best Literary Fiction Book Blog
This blog offers the best consistently excellent reviews, recommendations, analyses, and other content in literary fiction.
Best Classics Book Blog
This blog offers the best consistently excellent reviews, recommendations, analyses, and other content in classics.
Best Romance Book Blog
This blog offers the best reviews and specialized content in romance books of any subgenre, from historical to contemporary.
Best Historical Fiction Book Blog
This blog offers the best consistently excellent reviews, recommendations, analyses, and other content in historical novels. For the purposes of this award, consider historical anything from 1945 (World War II) and older.
Best Mystery/Suspense/Crime Book Blog
This blog offers the best consistently excellent reviews, recommendations, analyses, and other content in mysteries, suspense, and/or crime. The blog may cover several of these subgenres or just one.
Best Horror/Thriller Book Blog
This blog offers the best consistently excellent reviews, recommendations, analyses, and other content in horror and/or thrillers. This blog may cover both of these subgenres or just one.
Best GLBT Lit Book Blog
This blog features the best reviews and specialized content in GLBT books. This blogger may or may not self-identify as a member of the GLBT community, but he or she focuses on GLBT literature on the blog
Best Cultural Book Blog
This blog features the best consistently excellent reviews, recommendations, analyses, and other content in books and/or authors of a *specific* cultural identity. This blogger may or may not self-identify with the culture featured on the blog but focuses on that culture’s literature.
Best Graphic Novel/Illustrated Nonfiction Book Blog
This blog features the best consistently excellent reviews, recommendations, analyses, and other content in the graphic medium.
Best Publishing/Industry Blog
This blog features the best content on the publishing industry and is written by an industry professional.
Best Published Author Blog
This blog features the best content written by an author. This is an author who keeps an active blog that engages his or her readers.
Best Spiritual, Inspirational, or Religious Book Blog
This blog features the best consistently excellent reviews, recommendations, analyses, and other content on books that address a life of faith. This blog is not necessarily associated with an organized religion and may discuss either fiction or nonfiction books.
Best Audiobook Blog
This blog features the best consistently excellent reviews, recommendations, analyses, and other content on audiobooks.
Best Poetry Blog
This blog features the best consistently excellent reviews, recommendations, analyses, and other content content in poetry.
Best Bookstore Blog
This blog is associated with a retail bookstore, offering book news, staff recommendations, and other content of interest to people who love to shop for books.
Best Bookish Miscellaneous Blog
This blog has a specific focus that is related to books, but doesn’t include reviews of books. It might focus on book cover design, books in culture, trends in books, hidden treasures in books, etc.