
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Book Giveaway and Author Interview: All's Fair in Vanities War by Elizabeth Marx

Cover for 'ALL'S FAIR IN VANITIES WAR, Young Adult/Urban Fantasy (Book I The Seer's Seven Deadly Fairy Tales)'
 All's Fair in Vanities War by Elizabeth Marx
By the light of the next blue moon, the ShiningOnes are coming for it. The Order will sacrifice anything or anyone to protect it. If Locke and Keleigh don’t locate it first, the battle brewing between sacred knowledge and modern communication is going to destroy everything--even their love.
About Elizabeth:  Windy city writer, Elizabeth Marx, brings cosmopolitan life alive in her fiction—a blend of romance, fast-paced Chicago living, and a sprinkle of magical realism. Elizabeth resides with her husband, girls, and two cats who’ve spelled everyone into believing they’re really dogs. She grew up in the city, has traveled extensively, and still says there’s no town like Chi town.
You can contact the author at or visit her website

--The Twitter version: tell us about your book in 140 characters or less. The Order has protected a relic since the dawn of civilization, but the ShiningOnes want it back, and the only thing standing in their way is Locke and Keleigh’s love.

--How did you get the idea for the story? I wanted to write a story about hereditary witches in the modern world and the conflict between their ancient traditions and our technology. I found an Italian line of hereditary witches, but I ended up focusing on a Celtic Druid tradition, which led me to Boston, which led to Salem and then back to the world of witches. It seemed like the perfect place to hide them in plain sight. And it’s creepy in Salem too.
--Which character would you most/least like to have dinner with? I would most like to have dinner with Ilithyia, she has a wisdom that calls to me, but at the same time I’d be asking many questions, doing my best to wheedle some answers out of her. Ilithyia has secrets, and as Sister Arianna says, “Secrets, secrets, are no fun, unless they’re shared with everyone.” I’d least like to have dinner with Balor, I mean the guy has dangling shrunken heads hanging off the shoulders of his armor. Who could eat with them screeching?

--What are some of your favorite books? Do you still have much time to read? I love the classics. I reread most of Jane Austen each year. I also love Jane Eyre, something about the way Bronte crafts the combination of Jane’s strength and vulnerability grabs me every time I read it. I don’t spend as much time as I’d like reading; mostly I read books for research now. But when I travel I read for pleasure, and I go for anything from Evanovich and her zany Stephanie Plum to books like The Time Travelers Wife or Water for Elephants.  
--Do you have any other works in progress? Any teasers or release dates? All’s Fair in Vanities War is Book I in The Seers Seven Deadly Fairy Tales, each book is based on a deadly sin and a fairy tale. Book II will be released sometime in 2012, probably Halloween.
--If a fairy godmother told you your life could be like a favorite book for 24 hours, which book would you pick and why? Wow, if the fairy godmother is going to ensure my safety, then I think I’m going to the arena in the Hunger Games.

--Do you need anything to write (music, coffee, etc)? Are there any songs on your playlist- songs that inspired you or that were playing while you wrote? I don’t listen to music while I write, but there are songs that inspire me, for example I love Epica ‘Cry For the Moon’, it’s the perfect music for the battle scene in All’s Fair in Vanities War. The lyrics say, “Follow your common sense, you cannot hide yourself, behind your fairy tale, forever and ever.” The lyrics are perfect for that moment, because it’s when Keleigh accepts what she is.

--If you could have any superpower what would you choose? I don’t know if it’s a superpower but I’d like to be a time traveler. I’d love to go to other places and times. I guess it could be a superpower if you were able to change the course of history, but kind of a hefty responsibility. I guess that’s what a superpower really is.

--Besides writing, what do you like to do in your free time? Both my daughters are athletes, so I spend time at softball and basketball tournaments. Also, I love to travel (in this time), I have seen most of the U.S., and a lot of Europe, but next I’m thinking Egypt or Istanbul.
--Is there anything else you want to add or say to your readers? I love to play with narration in my books, sometimes I think we overlook who’s telling us the story, especially when we have so many stories told in first person. All’s Fair in Vanities War is told by a unique narrator, who is part of the story, while still being separate from it. Imagine having to witness the boy you love as he falls in love with another girl, the very girl who your human existence was forfeited for in order to protect hers.
Lightning round: this or that?
Vanilla or chocolate? Chocolate all the way.
Edward or Jacob? Edward books/ Jacob movie.
Hockey or soccer? Softball or Basketball.
Ebook or paper? Ebook.
Salty or sweet? Sweet.
Beach or mountains? Beach.
Phone call or email? Email.
Early bird or night owl? Both.
Dog or cat? Cats: Lord Luxor and Sir Sherbert follow me around like dogs.
Messy or neat? Neat freak.
Ninjas or pirates? Power Rangers vs. Captain Jack? Oh, please, Captain Jack wins every time!

And now for the giveaway:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Cute interview. Definitely interesting to see where Elizabeth got her inspiration from for a hereditary line of witches (which definitely catches my attention). And anything having to do with Salem is always a sure-fire bet to catch my interest!


  2. I also love Jane Eyre. I read it for the first time when I was just 12 or 13 and I've read it 100 times since. Perfect rainy day reading. So romantic, and just a bit spooky.

  3. I saw no extra info box in the Rafflecopter for GFC name, so my GFC name is R.


  4. Great Interview! There were no spaces provided in the Rafflecopter entry...

    elizabeth @ bookattict . com
    GFC: BookAttict

  5. joyfulheart26 at hotmail dot com


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