
Monday, March 19, 2012

Giveaway: Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa

The Immortal Rules (Blood of Eden, #1)

Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa
In the dark days since the insidious Red Lung virus decimated the human population, vampires have risen to rule the crumbling cities and suburbs. Uncontested Princes hold sway over diminished ranks of humans: their "pets." In exchange for their labor, loyalty and of course, their blood, these pets are registered, given food and shelter, permitted to survive.
Unregistered humans cling to fringes, scavenging for survival. Allison Sekemoto and her fellow Unregistereds are hunted, not only by vampires, but by rabids, the unholy result of Red Lung-infected vampires feeding on unwary humans. One night, Allie is attacked by a pack of rabids, saved by an unlikely hero...and turned vampire.
Uncomfortable in her undead skin, Allie falls in with a ragtag crew of humans seeking a cure, or cures: for Rabidism and for Vampirism. She's passing for human...for now. But the hunger is growing and will not be denied. Not for friendship—not even for love.
Giveaway details
-Fill out rafflecopter
-Open to US and Canada only
-Copy provided by Harlequin

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Be sure to check out my interview.
Purchase book here:

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  1. I love her other series and this one looks pretty good.

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

  2. Thanks for the giveaway! This one looks really good.


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