
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Interview: Whispers in The Shadows by Heather Beck

 Whispers in The Shadows by Heather Beck

Fall in love, if you dare…
Inside these pages are jilted ghosts who seek revenge, a sexy tour guide with deadly secrets, cunning mermen who emerge from the ocean, a magical forest where love truly can last for eternity, and a new breed of men who are too good to be true. Filled with chills, twists and boundless passion, Whispers In The Shadows explores the beauty of love along with its darker side.  

One Stop Horror Shop (Legends Unleashed Vol.4)
Karyn and Max’s dreams come true when they open a costume and magic shop. However, it’s a waking nightmare for their customers when the products malfunction in terrifying ways. Maybe that walking, talking skeleton they found in the closet can help them break the curse...
Lure Of The Merman (Legends Unleashed Vol.6)
Bree is changing, and it all started after that strange encounter with the man at the beach. Seeing Sandy again would be a mistake but he’s gotten under her skin. Bree should have listened to her instincts because she’s now heart-broken and horrified by her new fishtail. Unfortunately, the only source for revenge may be even deadlier than Sandy.
Sir Tristan's Estate (Legends Unleashed Vol.1)
Skye, a magazine photographer, is sent to the Sir Tristan Estate to capture the sadness behind the historical landmark. Guided by Tom, an estate worker, she learns about the devastating civil war which tore Tristan’s family apart. However, Skye’s waking nightmares reveal Sir Tristan on a much more personal level...
Heather Beck is a Canadian author and screenwriter who began writing professionally at the age of sixteen. Her first book was published when she was only nineteen years old. Since then she has written several well-reviewed books.
Heather recently received an Honors Bachelor of Arts from university where she specialized in English and studied an array of disciplines. Currently, she is working on two young adult novels and has six anthologies slated for publication. As a screenwriter, Heather has multiple television shows and movies in development. Her short films include Young Eyes and The Rarity.
Besides writing, Heather's greatest passion is the outdoors. She is an award-winning fisherwoman and a regular hiker. Her hobbies include swimming, playing badminton and volunteering with non-profit organizations.

Blkosiner's Book Blog Giveaway
-One winner gets pdf of: Whispers in the Shadows, One Stop Horror Shop, Lure Of The Merman, and Sir Tristan’s Estate
-Fill out rafflecopter to enter
-Open Internationally
Ends 7/25
a Rafflecopter giveaway

interview with Blkosiner's Book Blog
--The Twitter version: tell us about your book in 140 characters or less.
Enter a world where passion runs deep and everyone has a secret...

--How did you get the idea for the story?
This is such a tough question to answer because it’s so hard to pinpoint where inspiration comes from. If I had to choose, I’d say the idea for Whispers In The Shadows came from my love of paranormal romances and fantasy worlds where anything can happen. I strive to write plots that are well-developed, fast-paced and filled with unexpected twists. Whispers In The Shadows features strong, multifaceted female protagonists who transcend the ordinary to find a beautiful life. It’s definitely an escapist series fuelled by imagination and boundless possibilities.
--Which character would you most/least like to have dinner with?
I’d love to have dinner with Zade, the sexy tour guide from Hot Egyptian Nights. He’s a very exciting and caring character who holds an ancient secret. After dinner he could even give me a tour of the pyramids! The character I’d least like to have dinner with is Zade’s evil twin brother, Said.

--What are some of your favorite books? Do you still have much time to read?
I don’t have a favorite book, but my two favorite writers are Tennessee Williams and Jack London. Unfortunately, I haven’t had a chance to read recreationally for a very long time. While studying for a specialist in English at university, I never had a chance to choose the books I read and, after graduating, my workload is just as heavy. There are so many books out there that I want to read though!
--Do you have any other works in progress? Any teasers or release dates?
I am currently working on edits for the remaining books in The Horror Diaries series. The next book, Creatures Of The Night, will be released June 2012. I have started writing Assorted Candies (an anthology of literary romance for teens) as well as two young adult paranormal romance novels entitled Siren and Fairy Dust. Additionally, I will shortly begin work on What Fairy Tales Are Made Of, which will include the last four volumes in the Legends Unleashed series. On the screenwriting side, I have written several short scripts that are scheduled to go into production in 2012. They include Too Sensible For Love – a dark romantic comedy with social commentary running throughout it, Love’s Folly – a romantic comedy that will keep viewers guessing until the end, and Circular – a chilling social commentary about war.

--If a fairy godmother told you your life could be like a favorite book for 24 hours, which book would you pick and why?
I can’t choose one specific title, so it would have to be any book about mermaids. I think it would be so much fun to be a mermaid for 24 hours! I’d explore the ocean, swim with fish and dolphins and collect beautiful shells. Merpeople lore is very fascinating to me and they are definitely one of my favorite mythical creatures.

--Do you need anything to write? Are there any songs on your playlist- songs that inspired you or that were playing while you wrote?
When writing, all I need is a pen, lots of paper and preferably a quiet place. I never listen to music while working on my books or screenplays. My absolute favorite place to write is the outdoors, especially on the dock at my cottage, at the beach, near water or in my backyard. I love being in nature and find it so inspirational.

--If you could have any superpower what would you choose?
If I could have any superpower, I’d choose the ability to heal all wounds, both physical and emotional. I’m uncertain if I believe in a utopian world, but I’d definitely use my gift to stop war and inequality as well as the devastating aftermath of such things.

--Besides writing, what do you like to do in your free time?
I like to spend my free time being outdoors. I am addicted to the sun, sand and surf and could happily spend forever swimming or just lounging on the beach. I also love hiking and fishing – two activities I’ve done since I was young. Additionally, I love volunteering with non-profit organizations. It’s a huge passion of mine and something I take great pride in. It’s a beautiful thing to make a difference in someone’s life.

--Is there anything else you want to add or say to your readers?
Thanks so much for reading this interview! Please be sure to check out my website at:
Lightning round: this or that?
Vanilla or chocolate? Chocolate
Edward or Jacob? Based solely on the movies (since I haven’t read the books), I’d choose Jacob. Best friends always make the best lovers.
Hockey or soccer? Soccer
Ebook or paper? Paperback
Salty or sweet? Mostly salty, but sometimes sweet
Beach or mountains? Beach
Phone call or email? Phone call
Early bird or night owl? Early bird
Dog or cat? I’d usually say both, but irresponsible dog owners are making me prefer cats right now
Messy or neat? Definitely neat
Ninjas or pirates? Pirates

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  1. Thank you for this awesome giveaway! I'm really looking forward to these books :) I love stories with strong female protagonists!

    I love your Twitter version question :) never seen that one before, but very interesting to see how an author can describe their book in so few characters!

    Btw, totally agree with Heather. Nothing beats chocolate!!

  2. I would love to read this book. It sounds very good. I love chocolate also

  3. Great interview! I always love getting insight into the author. I love the superpowers question. I think I would want to be able to do the same. There is a lot of hurt in this world.

    Stefanie McMullen

  4. Great interview, cuz it was. I really enjoy reading author interviews because sometimes you get to know why they do 'that' and 'this' in their book.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  5. You definitely got my interest with the interview. I haven't read ny of the above mentioned books, but they really seem like books, that I would read!

  6. I'm going to go with salty and sweet myself LOL but am definitely with you on the chocolate ;) Thank you for taking the time and effort to share with us today. I cannot believe how many WIPs you have; do you every have trouble keeping them separate in your wonderfully creative mind and do the characters sometimes want to make an appearance with a crossover? I am really excited about this giveaway, as I have not read these yet, I love ebooks, and they just look so darn good.

  7. Whispers in the Shadows sounds great.

  8. I would also choose to heal if I had a superpower. Thanks for the great interview. These books look interesting!

  9. Most excited about Whispers in the Shadow!

  10. Books sound like keepers. Congratulations on the tv shows/movies. I would love to see them.


  11. All the books sounds good! I've never seen this way of an interview before, I liked it! Thanks for the giveaway!


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