
Friday, October 12, 2012

Giveaway and Guest Post with Jennifer Wright Vampire Hunter's Daughter Tour Stop

Jennifer Wright62 200x300 The Vampire Hunters Daughter Blog TourThe Vampire Hunter’s Daughter: The Complete Collection by Jennifer Malone Wright
Genre: YA paranormal
Publisher: Self
Date of Publication: June 2012
ISBN: 978-0615650081
Number of pages: 217 paperback
Word Count: 78,734

The Vampire Hunter's Daughter Tour Banner
Read Part 1 of The Vampire Hunter’s Daughter Free: Amazon | B&N

Book Description:
This special edition of The Vampire Hunter’s Daughter contains parts I-VI, the complete collection. Fourteen-year-old Chloe witnesses her mother’s murder at the hands of a vampire. Before the vampire can kidnap her, there is an unexpected rescue by a group of vampire hunters.

Overwhelmed by the feeling of safety, Chloe passes out and they whisk her away to their small community. When Chloe wakes, she comes face to face with the only other living relative, besides her mother, whom she has ever met: her grandfather. Chloe’s mother kept her hidden from the family; now, Chloe tries to unveil the family secrets.

Through her grandfather, she learns her mother was a vampire hunter. In fact, her entire family is descended from the powerful bloodlines of vampire hunters. Chloe agrees to join the family she has never known for one reason only: Chloe vows to kill the vampire responsible for her mother’s murder. With vengeance in her soul, Chloe is even more determined to follow through on her vow when she discovers the true identity of her enemy and how he is connected to her.

Experience the world of vampires hunter’s, vampires and mythology with Chloe in this exciting series.

About Author Jennifer Malone Wright
Jennifer Malone Wright resides in the beautiful mountains of northern Idaho with her husband and five children. Between the craziness of taking care of her children, whose ages range from fourteen all the way down to six months, and being a homemaker, Jennifer has little time left for herself. The time she does have left, usually leading far into the night, is spent working on freelance work or her beloved fiction.
When she grew up, Jennifer always had her nose in a book. She has been writing stories and poems since grade school. This love of the written word and her strong interest in the paranormal is what has led to her first novel “The Birth of Jaiden.”
In addition to being a mother and homemaker, Jennifer is also a very proud military wife. Moving around the country for the last ten years has made her a bit of a nomad and she finds it difficult to be in one place for too long.
Jennifer is also the author of The Birth of Jaiden, a paranormal novel filled with action, suspense, and even a love story.

Amazon Author Page:

Guest post with Blkosiner's Book Blog

Last Ten Books Bought
I have been getting a lot of books lately. A lot of times, I will buy them on my Kindle even if I get the print, because I can use my kindle in places like the gym , that I cant really use a print book. So, here are the last ten books (in no particular order) that I’ve bought.
1. Phoenix Rising by Lisa C. Morgan (print)
2. The Entire Black Dagger Brotherhood Series by JR. Ward (print)
3. City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare (print)
4. City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare (print)
5. The Game of Thrones box set by George R.R. Martin (print)
6. The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa (print & signed)
7. Blood Divided by LA. Freed (Have the whole series in print but bought the Kindle for easy reading on the treadmill)
8. The Liz Baker series, Time for Death, Kill me Next Week and Killer Intentions by Christie Silvers. (Have all the prints but again, I bought the second and third for easy reading on the Kindle.)
9. Black Birds by Chuck Wendig (Kindle)
10. Craved (Gwen Sparks Series) by Stephanie Nelson (Kindle)

My Giveaway: eBook Copy of The Vampire Hunter's Daughter the Complete Collection (amazon link: ) for one commentator HERE
open internationally
ends 10/25
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Overall Tour Giveaway: $100 Amazon Gift Card - 
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  1. Interesting post, Niece #1 loves these books.

  2. I've been wanting to read this for a while now. Thanks for the giveaways! :)

  3. Thanks for the giveaway. I would love to read this book. It sounds very good. Please enter me in contest.

  4. I love the sound of this series. Thank you for the giveaway.

  5. This is a fantastic series. I've got it on my Kindle and won a hard copy along the tour. Good luck to all who enter.

  6. New Follower!! :)

    I LOVE the cover of this book!! I'm guilty of being one of those people who pass by books unless something on the cover grabs my attention. This one definitely does!!

    Great giveaway opportunity!!!


  7. Brandi the synopsis sounds cool and as for Jen's book list..i loved Immortal Rules. Thanks for sharing the Vampire series and for the cool guest posts!

  8. I've read part I and really like it. Thanks for the chance to ein the next parts!!

  9. I am enjoying reading the Vampire Hunter's Daughter. The story is very engaging and is keeping me hooked.

  10. I too have recently started buying the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. I currently have the first five, though I've only had the chance to read the first one so far. LOL
    I think the Vampire Hunter's Daughter sounds like a great read.
    Thank you for the giveaway opportunity!


  11. Love the Vampire hunter's Daughter cover is awesome thanks for the giveaway

  12. the cover looks beautiful!

    thank you for this giveaway!

  13. There were several books on your list that I've read and loved. My favorites were George RR Martin's Game of Thrones series, I was lucky enough to have picked them up at a yard sale.

  14. I'm so glad there are blog hops, otherwise I would miss a ton of YA books! While I've heard of a few books on your "Just Bought" list, I haven't read any of them.

    The To-Be-Read pile, it grows!

  15. I love the cover its very eye catching with only half her face on the cover and the cross and open gate in the background. Thanks for the giveaway.


I would love to hear from you! (I always try to visit your blog back) I love links, so feel free to link to your blog or a post you like.
Sorry, but I am award and tag free zone, I do not have the time to return. Comments are reward enough :)