
Monday, December 10, 2012

Review: Falling for You by Lisa Schroeder

Falling For You
Falling for You by Lisa Schroeder
Rae's always dreamed of dating a guy like Nathan. He’s nothing like her abusive stepfather—in other words, he’s sweet. But the closer they get, the more Nathan wants of her time, of her love, of her...and the less she wants to give.
As Rae’s affection for Nathan turns to fear, she leans on her friend Leo for support. With Leo, she feels lighter, happier. And possessive Nathan becomes jealous.
Then a tragedy lands Rae in the ICU. Now, hovering between life and death, Rae must find the light amid the darkness…and the strength to fight for life and the love she deserves.

Publishes in US: Jan 1st 2013
Source: Simon Pulse
Series? no


Buy it:
 Amazon  Barnes & Noble  IndieBound  Book Depository

Find Lisa:
Twitter: @lisa_schroeder

Blkosiner's Book Blog review
    Wow. This is one powerful and emotional book. I really connected with Rae and appreciated how she always used poetry as her healthy outlet for the negatives that were going on in her life. She was strong, and caring to a fault, which led her to more relationship troubles on top of her unstable home with her stepfather and unavailable mom.
    On the theme of healthy outlets, I also like how it featured Leo's methods as well with the videos. I read so much about unhealthy outlets like drinking, eating disorders or cutting that even though this is an issues book with the relationship with Nathan and Rae's stepdad, that it does show other good things to take away.
    Falling for You goes back and forth between Rae being in the ICU from some sort of tragedy to the past, where she first meets Nathan. I think the transitions are seemless and add an extra element of mystery and needing to know what exactly put her there and even though I have two possible scenarios, it could be something unexpected as well.
    The writing is beautiful and I am sure to finally pick up some of Lisa's other books like The Day Before or Far from You to start with.
    Rae is a really strong main character, and she is so selfless and brave. I really enjoyed being in her head no matter how dark it got in there. I love how she kept fighting and even when she was in pain, she wanted to still help others.
    Falling for You also has a superb cast of secondary characters. The people that she works for and with at Full Bloom, Nina and Spencer are great. Their dialogue is so well written and their interactions are the warm and fuzzy that adds brightness to the dark that feeds into Rae from her home life and the negative relationship with Nathan.
     I also appreciated how Ella, the grandmotherly figure was featured. She had something to teach Rae, and love to give, and she helped break Rae out of her shell, and show her that people with problems and sadness don't have to fake it to be likable.
     Then there is the sweet and swoon worthy Leo. I fell for him in their first interactions. I loved their banter and his easy and caring manner. It was a sweet friendship and he really brought out the best in Rae.
     And, as many of you know, I usually steer clear of books written in verse, but this is a hybrid, much like Collateral by Hopkins that I just read and loved. It is mostly written in narrative, but there are poems, but they only enhanced the story in my opinion.

Favorite quotes (from the arc)
I also really liked Alix and the friendship that her and Rae had. She supported her without pushing too far, and was there without judging when Rae shared some of her true self.
Alix speaking to Rae "But I think that is why sweet girls sometimes stay with guys who are tools. The physical part is great. they love feeling loved and they put up with stuff they shouldn't." (p. 218)
I think that this is so true. I was in a bad relationship and even at points where I knew that I shouldn't put up with it or stay, I couldn't let go of the happy times, and the feeling of being wanted and often mistakenly equating physical attraction for true love.

I also really liked the poem that she finally submitted speaking up for those keeping quiet about their pain
"Scars by Rae Lunch
When a wound is fresh, my pen is the ointment and my paper the gauze.
What a surprise I'm not the only one.
We write to remind ourselves we have a voice. That what we feel, think, worry about, and speak matters.
Any et, we've been hiding our scars behind a single word.
Don't we all hurt some days? Isn't that part of the human experience we share?
Maybe we shouldn't be so afraid to let the world see our scars.
Sharing brings people together.
It's secrecy that can tear people apart. "
That really made me realize the power that poetry can have...

Bottom line: Dark book with a strong yet flawed but relatable main character. Lots of light moments of friendship and caring for others.

My question to you, my lovely readers:
How do you channel your emotions?


  1. This review makes me so happy!! I am so looking forward to giving this one a read. :)

    ~Sara @ Forever 17 Books

  2. I channel my emotions into writing. This sounds really good, dark, but good.

  3. Yes! This I've been waiting for! :) At the end it sounds even better than I expected. I though that this is just a sweet contemporary story but not to be dark. Also is the book written in verse?? Beside those short poems? All other Lisa's books that I've read were written in verse. Great review :)

  4. Oooo, this one looks so great! I need to pick it up :)

  5. Wow, this looks powerful and really good! I think I need to read this soon! Thanks for your thoughts and enthusiasm!

  6. i love kissing's cover..
    the story sounds great too..
    maybe i'll buy the book next month...thx ...

  7. I have heard great things about this one, so I'm very excited to read it. I have not read any books by Lisa yet but this seems like a great place to start. I can't wait to meet all the characters and see what the whole story is about. Glad you enjoyed this! Great review!

    ~ Maida


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