
Monday, April 1, 2013

Giveaway and Guest Post: Fire by Heather James

Fire Blog Tour

Fire by Heather James

Is control over the elements a gift, or a curse?
Enter a world where it's normal to spark flames in your fingertips, or produce gale-force winds with a flick of your wrists.
Roxy thinks that she is in control of everything: with flames flaring at her fingertips and an equally fiery attitude, what more could she need? But then she meets Brae, a prince from a rival Realm, who turns her assumptions of superiority upside down.
Jasmine has none of Roxy’s confidence or intensity. But she does have a secret - and Brae - and she’s not going to give either up willingly.


Fire is available now from Kobo B&N

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Guest post with Blkosiner's Book Blog

Ten reasons why I love fantasy
1.       Escapism – it’s somewhere completely different to the everyday.
2.       Everything is epic. No one has normal relationships, they’re all ‘the world is at stake if this goes wrong’ kind of relationships. I like the extremeness.
Example: Jace and Clary in TMI– their relationship is always affecting the fate of the Shadowhunters; despite their importance, they put each other first.
3.       Really cool powers. Who doesn’t want to perform magic/fly/produce flames/sing people to death?
Example: The Echorium Sequence by Katherine Roberts. In this series, you really can kill someone with a song, or send them to sleep, or make them laugh, cry or feel pain.
4.       Fantasy creatures. Normal animals just aren’t impressive enough…
Example: Harry Potter. Rowling’s characters are so cool that she was able to write a separate book about them.
5.       In YA fantasy in particular, the guys are all either perfect or evil – there’s very little middle ground.
Jace from TMI is my prime example again here. And he falls into both categories at various points in the series!
6.       Anything can happen. Absolutely anything. There are no rules in fantasy other than the ones the writers create themselves.
7.       Good always wins. I’ve never read a fantasy novel where the bad guys have won.
I think this a fairy-tale thing. And the phrase ‘good always wins’ makes me think of Once Upon A Time, where this idea is pushed to the limit.
8.       Because I want to believe, and have done since I was a young child.
I was taught to read using the Puddle Lane books, which feature magicians, magic mice, dolls which come to life and a green ‘monster’ called a Griffle – you could say I was indoctrinated from a very early age!
9.       Really cool character names. You can get away with anything in a fantasy novel.
My latest favourite is ‘Karou’ from ‘Daughter of Smoke and Bone’. Most characters from Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings are good examples of this to.
10.   It never gets old, there is always a new sub-genre to discover.

Blkosiner's Book Blog Giveaway
- copy, open internationally
-Fill out Rafflecopter to enter
-Ends on 4//2013 11:59 pm EST
-If you win a review on your blog and/or amazon is appreciated but not required.

*If, for whatever reason, the Rafflecopter widget does not appear, you can click on the link where it says rafflecopter giveaway and it will show up, sorry for the inconvenience.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love fantasy! And evil boys are the best (although, nobody likes evil men.... :) )

  2. Great list! I love the epicness as well. And Karou is a fab name.

  3. "2. Everything is epic. No one has normal relationships, they’re all ‘the world is at stake if this goes wrong’ kind of relationships. I like the extremeness."

    THAT. Love fantasy!

  4. Cool powers and epic consequences are absolutely my favorite parts of fantasy. Great guest post, thanks for sharing!

  5. It depends what fantasy is, but I like different worlds where things are just so unreal and not possible at all. I might be a bit skeptic at first but then I remember, it's fiction and I end up liking it. 'There are no rules in fantasy other than the ones the writers create themselves.' This is why I like new worlds, I love seeing what the authors come up with and how it's so different from everyone else's.

  6. This looks really intriguing! I love that cover too. Thanks for sharing this Brandi! :D

    ~ Maida
    Literary Love Affair

  7. Puddle Lane!! I read those too - blast from the past! Btw I recommend Fire to any who have yet to read it :)


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Sorry, but I am award and tag free zone, I do not have the time to return. Comments are reward enough :)