
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Interview and Tour Giveaway: Fields of Elysium by A.B. Whelan

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Fields of Elysium by A.B. Whelan

How can love mend a heart full of hate?

Small town girl, Molly Bennett, moves to Los Angeles where she becomes an outsider while attending Beverly Hills High School. It seems life cannot be any more dreadful. Then one day after school, something magical happens. On a secluded hike in the Hollywood Hills, Molly chases her disobedient mutt and only friend into a hidden cavern. She stumbles upon a strange glimmering gateway that transports her to Arkana, a planet that is the cradle of an advanced human race. There, teenagers navigate amazing flying vehicles, compete in perilous games for glory, and possess supernatural powers. While Molly tries to wrap her mind around this unbelievable discovery, she meets the alluring and mysterious Victor Sorren. He is a Sentinel Apprentice, whose hatred toward people from Earth is beyond understanding. Yet every time Victor unpredictably saves Molly's life, his heart draws closer to hers, no matter how much he tries to fight against it. It further complicates things that their growing friendship is strictly forbidden. Earth people are prohibited in Arkana, yet Molly continues to cross through the portal to Arkana to see Victor. Torn between their double lives, they go down a dangerous path, from where there is no return and multiple endings.

Fields of Elysium is a suspenseful, romantic tale full of forbidden secrets, unimaginable danger, deception, and the never-ending fight for true love.

"The novel's take on otherworldly travel is a compelling one, and the romantic plot will likely appeal to Twilight fans." - Kirkus Reviews

"I expected a good love story with a paranormal twist. I got so much more. I think you should take the chance and read it. Let this book take you on the adventure, fall in love." - Young Adult and Teen Readers

"Fields of Elysium is a fabulous read. ... Whelan paints her faith into the fabric of her story with deft, light brushstrokes, making her work accessible to all, no matter their spiritual beliefs or background." - Readers Favorite

"I escaped into this fantasy world, author, A.B.Whelan, created and I didn’t want Molly to go. From detailed descriptions, to sweet romance, and to all the twist and turns in the story, it had me captivated from page one." - Mary Ting, author of the Crossroads Saga

"Whelan's writing is very vivid and descriptive. It's more formal than the average YA novel, but I enjoyed the lyrical and mesmerizing quality to it. I thought the overall story read like a fairy tale--very sweet." - Megan Thomason, author of Daynight
Author A.B. Whelan

A.B.Whelan is a Hungarian born, American writer. She currently lives with her husband and two children in Southern California.
While growing up in a wealthy Eastern European family, she had a chance to travel Europe. Later as an adult, she visited Africa and the Middle East and lived in Ecuador and in Crete.

foe blog tour giveawaysBlog Tour Giveaway

$25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash

A gift bag of one signed copy of Fields of Elysium, a scrabble-tile pendant on a necklace, and a fridge magnet

Ends 5/15/13

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Author Interview: --How did you get the idea for the story?
I have always wondered about the vastness of the universe, where we came from from, does God really exist. But it was a perfect summer night in 2010 when my husband and I sat on the roof of our rental home in Crete, drank wine (spritzer in my case), listened the Mediterranean sea washing up on our shore and talked about ideas. I pondered what if God who created us would become upset with the way humans lived their lives and started all over again, far away from us. From that moment the idea started to develop in my head. By now it grew into an epic fantasy with a detailed new world and enough stories for a four volume series.

--Which character would you most/least like to have dinner with?
If I listened to my heart I’d choose Victor. He’s extremely charming and polite, dangerous and adventurous. I love the old-fashioned way he and the rest of the Arkanian gang talk. But since he’s with Molly and I’m married, I’d pick Ulka de Tino. She is a peculiar old lady, who lives in the Sesmar village and been around long enough to tell me interesting stories and teach me a thing or two.
--Do you have any other works in progress? Any teasers or release dates?
I have three more books coming in this series in 2013 and 2014. Valley of Darkness, where Molly faces a devastating tragedy and goes through a transformation from a nice high school girl through a lost and confused punk to a Sentinel Apprentice. The third book is City of Shame. Where Molly will sneak into the Terraka City and spy for the Arkanians. And the last one is titled Return to Innocence. I won’t give out any details about the finale book to spoil it for you. I also have several more book ideas waiting for their turn.
--What book(s) is your book’s “cousin”? (Similar set-up or style)
Seems like a good question for a poll. J Kirkus Reviews called the romantic plot in Fields of Elysium similar to Twilight. I felt very honored.
--What are some of your favorite books? Do you still have much time to read?
I have a system that works for reading. I keep a book by my bed, in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in my bag, on my iPad, in my car. And whenever I have to wait or have some extra time I read. Soccer practice, dancing school, school’s parking lot, with a morning coffee, etc. It really works. I read everything from Greek Mythology, through indie authors till biographies. But If I can’t get into a book after the first hundred pages, I usually give it up. There are too many great books to waste time on the bad ones.

--Do you need anything to write (music, coffee, etc)? Are there any songs on your playlist- songs that inspired you or that were playing while you wrote?
I need dark and silence, so I steal a few hours before sunrise to write. I also enjoy listening to music that fits the mood of the scene I’m working on. My taste has a wild spectrum, from Daft Punk through Pink, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, indie rock to score music.

--If you could have any superpower what would you choose?
Let’s see. I already answered this question in another interview, and it wouldn’t be polite to say the same thing again. I guess I’d like to be able to control objects. In that case I could clean up the house, do laundry, tidy up our backyard and so much more in a fast and easy way. Flying would be awesome, too. Anything really. I think it’s so cool to be special. Not seeing the future, though. That superpower would take out all the excitement of my life.

--Besides writing, what do you like to do in your free time?
Anything outdoor. Baking. Reading. Movies. Watching soccer. My family follows the English Premier League. When there is a big game on (Manchester United of course:O)) the whole family goes crazy. Especially my son and I have a special bond analyzing the game. It’s priceless.
--What is one thing you would tell your 15-year-old self?
First, I’d thank her for all the time she spent running in the knee high fresh wheat, riding the bicycle and spending outdoors and eating healthy. Today I’m still living off of that hard work. When you are a mom and wife, there is barely any time to work out. Second, I’d ask her to keep a diary. I’d pay anything to read my teen self’s thoughts. With the passing years more and more memory fades.

--Is there anything else you want to add or say to your readers?
Never stop believing in yourself and dare to dream big, because on the road of reaching your biggest dream you will achieve so many great things.

Lightning round: this or that?
Vanilla or chocolate? CHOCOLATE
Edward or Jacob? EDWARD
Hockey or soccer? SOCCER
Ebook or paper? PAPER
Salty or sweet? SWEET
Beach or mountains? BEACH
Phone call or email? EMAIL
Early bird or night owl? EARLY BIRD
Dog or cat? DOG
Messy or neat? NEAT
Ninjas or pirates? NINJAS


  1. I've never heard of this book before, but it was nice to get to know the author more, though I must say I disagree with her pick of Edward instead of Jacob! And I'm definitely a night owl. ;)

    Great interview, you two!

    1. Oh no, you're a Jacob fan??
      I am edward all the way :)

  2. Great interview! I love the cover of the book, very pretty =)

  3. Thank you for sharing the interview. This sounds like it would be a great book.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever

  4. I've been curious about this book for so long, well ever since I saw it about two months ago, maybe. Ooh, interesting, would seeing the future make life what it is differnt? Would we grow tired of everything because we'd already know what would happen? I had not thought of that


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