
Friday, August 16, 2013

Review: The Edge of Never by J.A. Redmerski

The Edge of Never (The Edge of Never, #1)
The Edge of Never (The Edge of Never #1) by J.A. Redmerski
Sometimes life takes you off course . . .
Twenty-year-old Camryn Bennett thought she knew exactly where her life was going. But after a wild night at the hottest club in downtown Raleigh, North Carolina, she shocks everyone-including herself-when she decides to leave the only life she's ever known and set out on her own. Grabbing her purse and her cell phone, Camryn boards a Greyhound bus ready to find herself. Instead, she finds Andrew Parrish.
Sexy and exciting, Andrew lives life like there is no tomorrow. He persuades Camryn to do things she never thought she would and shows her how to give in to her deepest, most forbidden desires. Soon he becomes the center of her daring new life, pulling love and lust and emotion out of her in ways she never imagined possible. But there is more to Andrew than Camryn realizes. Will his secret push them inseparably together-or destroy them forever?


Publishes in US: November 15th 2012 by Createspace
Genre: New adult contemporary
Source: netgalley
Series? Yes. (The Edge of Never #1)
The Edge of Always (The Edge of Never, #2)
November 5th 2013 by Forever Romance 

Buy it: Amazon   Barnes & Noble  IndieBound   Book Depository

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        I was quickly drawn into Camryn's world, and didn't want to look away from what she was going to do next. 
        What sets this apart from other New Adult books is that Camryn's heartache is from a boyfriend that died in a car accident. Although I wish we'd have gone into more detail with this at the beginning to clearly get her frame of mind and reference to why she is not looking for a relationship. 
        Her friendship and the twist that took with Natalie I did not like, but I understood, I think why it happened. I was trying to figure out how I wanted this to be fixed, but decided to just read the story and figure out how J.A. would handle it. I also didn't like how Cam compared herself to Natalie, like at times she thought she was better than her, or that thinking about sex didn't matter only thinking of lofty things did. 
        But minorish details. Because I didn't want to put it down, I got a taste of the love interest and the way that he hinted he wanted more and the way that he treated Cam Their adventures are so captivating and I loved learning and guessing what has Andrew so withheld but totally didn't see it coming until right at the end. 
        I loved their interactions and banter. And oh were there some steamy scenes in this one. They are like they were made for each other, their perfect match and balance. I also liked that they both learned to let go and discover who they really are with the other's help. 
        Speaking of the end, it fooled me, broke my heart and repaired it all at the same time. It was perfect in that bittersweet way, and I can't wait for more in this world. 

    Bottom Line: Steamy and heartbreaking but adventurous road trip and finding yourself novel.

    My question to you, my lovely readers:
    Have you ever been on a trip on a bus?
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    1. The ending was one that I cried my eyes out, but was happy with at the same time. Wonderful review.

    2. Sounds like a read I'd quite enjoy but only if I had a box of tissues at the ready.

    3. I'm glad you ended up enjoyed TEoN, Brandi. It definitely caught me by surprise, too. Great review!

    4. The end of this one fooled me, too!! :)

      Kate @ Ex Libris

    5. I've read some real mixed reviews for this book, so have been constantly been undecided about giving this book a try, but I'm so glad that you enjoyed this Brandi! Fab review! :)

    6. Hm... sounds a bit teary, but good. I might have to give it a try.

    7. I have this on my nook and look forward to reading it. I love banter and am glad you enjoyed it. Have a great weekend!

    8. Oh yeah I heard great things about this one and I just love the cover. It's great to have a story you don't want to put down.

    9. It's official: everyone read and loved this book but me. The ending alone sounds very promising, so I really should.
      Lovely review!

    10. I've had this book on my kindle forever and I really want to get to it :) Great review!

      Janina @ Synchronized Reading

    11. Steamy and heartbreaking with a bittersweet ending? This sounds like a book I'd love to read when I want to cry. (Yes, I do that.) I'll have to get a copy for my never-ending TBR pile. Thanks for sharing your review.

    12. The broke my heart and repaired it at the same time comment is pretty powerful. Glad to see that the pair really seemed made for each other. Great review! Jaclyn @ JC's Book Haven.

    13. I have heard great things about this one! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
      -Scott Reads It

    14. This book really sucked me in, too. I definitely enjoyed it and it was such an emotional read! Great review! I can't wait for the next book :)

    15. I am sooo excited to read this! Everyone seems to enjoy it and I can't wait to meet Camryn and see how she is as a character. She already sounds fantastic. Plus, I love my emotional, heartbreaking reads, so this one is a must! I'm glad this one got you hooked, Brandi! Great review! :D

      ~ Maida
      Literary Love Affair 

    16. I'm glad you loved this one because I've had a copy of it for AGES. Can't wait to read it!

    17. I totally agree with everything you said. I really liked this one. Still need to write me review though. lol.

    18. I adored their banter as well:) I'm so happy you liked it! Hopefully I'll be able to publish my review soon:)

    19. Ahh this sounds like the sort of book I'd love!!! Brill review :) I took a coach to Normandy (from London) once.. man that was a long trip -_-

      Laura @ What's Hot?

    20. Every review I've read for this promises seriously steamy scenes, so I'm definitely excited to read this! I've never been on a trip on a bus, but it sounds like it would be more of an adventure than taking a car trip.

    21. oh good to hear you enjoyed it. I've got it on my review pile but have been avoiding it for some reason. Will have to move it up the pile :)

      herding cats & burning soup

    22. I just read this one last week, and I don't think I enjoyed it as much as you did. There were a few things that did not sit well with me. The sex scenes were a bit to graphic for me (this was just because the book was supposed to be New Adult), had it been labeled romance or even erotic fiction I could have swallowed that. But whatever. DO you think you'll read the sequel? I haven't decided yet.

      Thanks for the review Brandi.

    23. I have taken a bus trip from Philadelphia to Boston as a seventh-grader but it is not my preferred method of travel. I'd rather go by car where I have some control.


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