
Monday, August 26, 2013

Review: Obsession by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Obsession by Jennifer L. Armentrout
This is a stand alone novel that is an adult spin-off
of the Lux Series You do not need to read a Lux book to read Obsession and vice versa.
He’s arrogant, domineering, and... To. Die. For.
Hunter is a ruthless killer. And the Department of Defense has him firmly in their grasp, which usually doesn’t chafe too badly because he gets to kill bad guys. Most of the time he enjoys his job. That is, until he’s saddled with something he’s never had to do before: protect a human from his mortal enemy.
Serena Cross didn’t believe her best friend when she claimed to have seen the son of a powerful senator turn into something... unnatural. Who would? But then she witnesses her friend’s murder at the hands of what can only be an alien, thrusting her into a world that will kill to protect their secret.
Hunter stirs Serena’s temper and her lust despite their differences. Soon he’s doing the unthinkable—breaking the rules he’s lived by, going against the government to keep Serena safe. But are the aliens and the government the biggest threats to Serena’s life… or is it Hunter


Publishes in US:
Genre: NA/Adult Paranormal
Source: bought
Series? No, but should be. Spin off from the Lux series

Buy it: Amazon   Barnes & Noble
Find Jennifer online:Site Blog | Facebook Goodreads | Twitter

    I really enjoyed this spin off, though I will make sure that you are forewarned this is a NA/Adult novel, and there is much more sex found in this one than in her YA Lux series. I just don't want any of my readers to be surprised. 
   But speaking of the steamy, wow, does Jennifer know how to write a scene. I loved Serena and Hunter and when they finally came together, it was pretty awesome. There is this intense build up and seeing them learn to care for each other and the building of trust, because even though there is chemistry and lust at first, I need for there to be more, and wow was there. 
    Serena and her friend Mel got themselves mixed up in the alien world and Mel is murdered for what she saw and heard, and Serena is in danger because Mel told her about it. And then Hunter, who was working for the DOD is assigned to protect her.
     What I enjoyed the most was having my eyes opened to the alien culture even more. While reading the Lux series (which isn't required, but seriously, it's Jennifer, why wouldn't you want to??) I thought that Arum were all inherently evil. While Hunter makes it clear that he has a dark side, we also see that he is capable of loving, caring and that definitely makes him not all evil. While he needs to feed, and Luxen are the choice "food" he can actually feed without killing them, but they usually don't give incentive for that to happen. 
     The Arum were actually created to basically police the Luxen, because as we see more in depth in this one, they have more of a bad side than we saw with the Blacks. 
     The ending was good, and wrapped everything up well, although I would love to see more of Serena and Hunter. 

Bottom Line: Steamy and fast paced spin off from the Lux series that made me question what I thought I knew about aliens.

My question to you, my lovely readers:
Have you ever thought someone or thing was all bad to have your eyes opened? 
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  1. I am so glad you loved this too!! I love the Lux series, and to jump into this book was so good! I agree though, I want more of Hunter too! Awesome review!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Sounds fantastic! Great review. :)

  4. I love how Hunter sounds like he really is capable of love. Heh, hot and steamy you say?;) Glad you enjoyed it so much, Brandi!

  5. I have wondered quite a few times about this book, but I am so pro-Luxen that I don't want my loyalties to be turned. Isn't that the silliest! I'm glad to know what this one is about. I might just have to read it. I'm not comfortable with most New Adult but I am forewarned, thank you very much!!! I'm so glad you reviewed this one!!

  6. It seems like most readers love getting the other perspective in the Lux world. So glad you enjoyed, Brandi!

  7. Great review. Can't wait to start reading this authors series.

  8. I got this one at the beginning of the month when I bought & already read the Lux series. I'm glad you reviewed it cause I haven't heard anything about it. I think I will enjoy it. I've been reading NA and I've liked it.I dont think this one will disappoint.

  9. I've been seeing this everywhere but because I'm not big on aliens, I never bothered. I'm this close to giving at least book 1 a try.

  10. oh this definitely sounds more my style. I've been wanting to try her for a while but I do love my steamy scenes. Glad it worked for you :) I'm gonna have to check this one out!

    herding cats & burning soup

  11. Glad this spin-off worked, I have the Lux series and need to read it..story of my life!!

  12. Thanks for the info. I really thought this was part of Lux. (Which I haven't read...sorry...someday!) Great review!

  13. I love the Lux series, and thought this was a fantastic (adult) spin off! Jennifer definitely knows how to write seriously steamy and swoon-worthy scenes. Besides all the hotness, the story was really great- I loved finding out more about Arum too. Glad you enjoyed the book Brandi. :)

  14. I have got to get back to the Lux series soon. I read the first book and I am ashamed I haven't gotten further. This one sounds exciting and fun and gotta love a little smexy.

  15. I have heard good things about this author

  16. I'm still behind on the YA series and I want to catch up before I start this one, but it is good to know it lives up to the expectations. Love her work.

  17. Loved this book! I swear, JLA is amazing! I would definitely love to see more of Serena and Hunter!

    Great review!

  18. I adored this book! And I agree Jennifer really does know how to write a steamy scene! I loved getting to know more about the Arum side of the world, and after this I am completely lost on who I like better, Arum or Luxen! lol ;p I would love to see more Serena and Hunter too. They were both enjoyable characters, and I agree that even though we got to see a dark side to Hunter, Jennifer also showed his sweet, protective moments...which obviously I loved! :D Glad you enjoyed this, Brandi! Fab review! :D

    ~ Maida
    Literary Love Affair 

  19. I have this one I just need time to read it! It sounds wonderful and I'm looking forward to seeing the Arum's side of things. Wonderful review, Brandi! :)

  20. never read any of these books, but I feel like I should. I keep hearing Jennifer is fantastic. Glad you liked this spin-off.

  21. I thought this was an excellent book. Seriously, I love Armentrout. Getting to see the Arum side of the story was spectacular. I think it's funny we both posted a Lux review today LOL. I think you will really be glad that you read this one before diving into Origin. Great review! Jaclyn @ JC's Book Haven.

  22. I love when authors can switch from YA and NA and even Adult. I could never imagine writing a YA, just not my style of writing. I am dying to read this one. So happy it was good.

  23. This one is on my must read list before Origin. I have heard nothing but great things about it and I'm so glad you enjoyed it. great review :)

  24. Serena and Hunter sound awesome, I can't wait to read this! Great review :-)

  25. I've wanted to read this for a bit but I'm waiting to catch up on the Lux series, especially now that Origin is out. Great review!

  26. I still need to read this series. lol Someday!

  27. That cover definitely makes it look more steamy and adult! Since that doesn't tend to be the kind of story I like, I'll stick with her YA series. Thanks for the warning!


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