
Friday, September 13, 2013

Review: All of You by Christina Lee

All of You
All of You by Christina Lee
Avery has just met her hot upstairs neighbor. He's irresistible. Tattooed. And a virgin.
Nursing student Avery Michaels wants nothing to do with dating—she's perfectly happy single. Privy to too many of her mother's bad decisions and even worse taste in boyfriends, all Avery can handle is a string of uncomplicated hookups whenever the mood strikes.
When she meets smoking hot tattoo artist Bennett, she wants him—for just one night. But he won't accept a no-strings-attached arrangement. He lives by a straight-laced code of values based on his own troubled upbringing.
Bennett sees something special in Avery and he wants more from her. Way more. As Avery wrestles with her emotions for Bennett, danger and tragedy force them to open up to each other. And Avery must face the terrifying realization that she wants more from him, too.
So she needs to make a choice—let Bennett go or finally let him in.
Publishes in US: September 17th 2013 by Intermix (Penguin Group (USA) LLC)
Genre: NA contemp
Source: Netgalley
Series? Has companion novel 
by  publication: February 2014 by Intermix (Penguin)
Buy it:Amazon Barnes&Noble Google Books iBooks

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    Bennett is such a nice change from other YA or NA male characters, because he is the one who is more restrained and who is all innocent in the sexual area. It was seriously appealing to me and a breath of fresh air. I loved his every scene and wanted to know what he was thinking. It was attractive that he was chivalrous and treated her with even more respect than is the norm. 
    Avery is such a strong character. She knows self defense, and she knows how to get what she wants. She is more like guys in the normal aspect of she doesn't want commitment, just sex most of the time. She normally doesn't really let others in, and it is fun to see Bennett worm his way into her life and then into her heart. 
    Admittedly, the plot is similar to most of the other NA's the damaged individuals helping each other heal and learning to love again. Still it was addictive, and I am not tired of this story line at all. I know some of my readers are, and this is probably not the story for you if you are burned out, but to me, I enjoyed every page. 
     I also love that Avery is a lpn and that her job is a passion. There, at the nursing home where she works, she has formed a deep friendship with one of the residents. Her name is Mrs. Jackson and I adored her. She is fiesty, smart and intuitive, and I love the bond that her and Avery has and how much she helps her realize about life, herself and love. 
    All of You is a great title for this one because we get to see Bennett, who not only wants a hot body, but he wants commitment, emotions, conversation, and most of all--love. He wants every part of Avery and I loved watching Avery realize that she too wanted every part of him.
    Both of their families and backgrounds plays into who they have become, and they are still dealing with repercussions of how they grew up and faults of their parents. But it molded them, and they have siblings that depend on them and share in everything that they went through. 
    The ending was perfect. Everything wove together and it was wrapped up beautifully. I sighed a contented sigh at the end, although I am eager for the companion novel to read more of Lee's masterfully crafted characters and intense chemistry. 

Bottom Line: Amazing journey of Avery learning to love, helped along by the hot chemistry of virgin tattoo artist Bennett.

My question to you, my lovely readers:
Have you ever been the more experienced partner? How did it make you feel?
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  1. I definitely fall into the category of burnt out from NA and I am taking a break from it all. But in saying that. When I come back to it, I will certainly be giving this one a go. You have me convinced Brandi. Bennett sounds like a fantastic love interests and I am eager to see if I love him as much as you did.

    Thanks for the review!

  2. Great review, hun! But, I am definitely over all these copy-cat NAs, but it's good you enjoyed it and that the male MC had a different aspect.

  3. NA's?

    Interesting to hear of a book in which the male is the less sexually experienced.

    1. Yep, new adult. Its an emerging category between YA and adult

  4. I haven't really jumped into the bandwagon yet but am starting to see the appeal. Bennett sounds like a break from other take-charge male characters in every genre, though.

    Great review, Brandi.

  5. I might have to give this one a try. Thanks for the great review. I have read some new adult that I have really enjoyed and this looks promising.
    -Dilettantish Reader

  6. I think this one sounds like a good one. Great review.

  7. Bennett sounds like a really awesome guy, which ups the appeal of this one a lot for me.

  8. Love seeing how Bennett is a bit different from a lot of other YA/NA guys with his innocence and strict code of conduct-that makes me so much more interested in him!


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