
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Giveaway: Steadfast, Ruins, Pretty Sly

Steadfast, Ruins, Pretty Sly

Harper was nice enough to send me these, but I haven't read the first in these series, and don't plan to in the near future because of scheduling. So-- dearest friends--please review if you win!
Blkosiner's Book Blog Giveaway
-US only. Must review on goodreads and amazon.
-Fill out Rafflecopter to enter
-Ends on 1/23/2014 11:59 pm EST
-If you win a review on your blog and/or amazon is appreciated but not required.

*If, for whatever reason, the Rafflecopter widget does not appear, you can click on the link where it says rafflecopter giveaway and it will show up, sorry for the inconvenience.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Follow on Bloglovin


  1. What a great giveaway! I haven't started any of these series yet- but they are motivation to start. :)

  2. Thanks for the giveaway and I agree with Dms I haven't started any of the series but it would be good motivation.

  3. I want RUINS so bad! Ahhh! Thanks for the giveaway. :)


I would love to hear from you! (I always try to visit your blog back) I love links, so feel free to link to your blog or a post you like.
Sorry, but I am award and tag free zone, I do not have the time to return. Comments are reward enough :)