
Monday, January 6, 2014

Review: Being Sloane Jacobs by Lauren Morrill

Being Sloane Jacobs
Being Sloane Jacobs by Lauren Morrill
Meet Sloane Emily Jacobs: a seriously stressed-out figure-skater from Washington, D.C., who choked during junior nationals and isn’t sure she’s ready for a comeback. What she does know is that she’d give anything to escape the mass of misery that is her life.
Now meet Sloane Devon Jacobs, a spunky ice hockey player from Philly who’s been suspended from her team for too many aggressive hip checks. Her punishment? Hockey camp, now, when she’s playing the worst she’s ever played. If she messes up? Her life will be over.
When the two Sloanes meet by chance in Montreal and decide to trade places for the summer, each girl thinks she’s the lucky one: no strangers to judge or laugh at Sloane Emily, no scouts expecting Sloane Devon to be a hero. But it didn’t occur to Sloane E. that while avoiding sequins and axels she might meet a hockey hottie—and Sloane D. never expected to run into a familiar (and very good-looking) face from home. It’s not long before the Sloanes discover that convincing people you’re someone else might be more difficult than being yourself.
Publishes in US: January 7th 2014 by Delacorte
Genre: YA contemp
Source: Netgalley via Random
Series? No

Buy it: Amazon Barnes & Noble IndieBound Book Depository

Author stalk away: ~site Twitter @laurenemorrill 
Lauren Morrill
Lauren Elizabeth Morrill

     I picked to read Being Sloane Jacobs because it was an advanced copy available in exchange for my honest review on Netgalley and not only is the cover adorable, but the synopsis really intrigued me. I love watching hockey and pretty much automatically pick up anything to do with hockey or with figure skating in ya fiction. I have also read Meant to Be by Lauren Morrill and enjoyed it, so she is an author that I watch anything that comes out by her. 
     I was not disappointed, because the characters swept me away. At first it was a little confusing with two main characters with the same first and last name, but they had distinct voices and they were pretty radically different. Though, the more I read, the more that I found they had in common. They come from different home types-rich versus poor, they play different sports- figure skating versus hockey, they dress differently, look at the world in different ways, have different temperments and have different upbringings. But they both face pressure of expectations, family dysfunction, and confidence and really understanding if they love what they do or if they are just good at it. Or they were. Sloane Emily had a big fall in her last competition and is just now re-entering the scene and Sloane Devon has been choking when it comes to scoring goals. 
     I loved the dual perspective and wasn't really confused going back and forth most of the time. When the roomies first entered the picture it was confusing adjusting to them switching places and new people being on the scene, but I quickly settled into their settings. 
     While I questioned the plausibility of them pulling off actually switching places, I completely love the concept and the execution. I think that it was believable that some of their skills easily transferred and they did have issues, I think that them excelling and holding up the other's reputation, that is where the ground gets shaky. But Lauren convinced me with her writing, and with the friends that came along and helped them. 
      Both discovered a lot about themselves, gained a new perspectives on other sports and what they go through. They also had friends that helped them discover who they were and where they fit into things, and the overall character development was good. Sloane Emily gained more confidence in herself and ability to stand up for herself, and Sloane Jacob filed down some rough edges and learned to appreciate beauty more. 
     Each Sloane had a romance that I think was well placed, and I especially like how supportive they were and that they brought out another side, or helped them to see both their and the opposite sport in new ways. I like how Sloane Emily's love interest had to prove himself and it was fun watching him woo her and both of them open up to each other. Sloane Devon's guy was actually someone she knew before, but they both saw each other in new lights. 
    I appreciated how the family issues weren't magically dissolved at the end, but that there was hard work and effort being put into healing the families. 
    The epilogue was sweet, and although things were wrapped up really well, it gave me hope that there might be more time back in these characters' lives but I can't be sure. 

Bottom Line: Overall fun contemporary that has depth.

My question to you, my lovely readers:
Have you wanted to switch places with someone?
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  1. I'm glad you loved it! I hope this will get some sort of a continuation you hope for:)

  2. I am not sure what to make of this one

  3. The "two people switching identity" trope is always difficult to believe. But we still love these types of stories, don't we? Great review!

  4. Oh that's cool that they had the same name! Reminds me of Will Grayson, Will Grayson. Great review!

  5. I LOVE when characters are easily distinguishable by a unique voice.

  6. This has been getting some varying reactions. I'm glad you enjoyed!

  7. This one sounds like a cute read. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. There's something about stories involving switching places that I usually love.

  8. Great review! I've been very curious about this author since her first book and Being Sloan Jacobs really caught my interest as well. I like the whole idea of two people switching places, I'll have to check this out :)
    Anna's Book Blog

  9. I loved this book too! I really enjoyed getting to know each Sloane and thought Morrill did a great job at making them have distinct voices. And that epilogue! I want to know what happens next now!

  10. I am very excited to read this one. I have heard good things so far and I agree that cover is super adorable!

  11. I wasn't a huge fan of this author's first book, but I might give this one a try.

    Kate @ Ex Libris

  12. I'm so thrilled to hear you enjoyed this one! I liked her first book and jumped at the chance to read this one too. I think I've probably wanted to switch places at some point in my life. :-) Great review!

  13. I agree that in the age of Facebook and Instagram this could probably never happen, but it was a fun book that put a smile on my face!
    Jen @ YA Romantics

  14. I'm glad that you liked this one because I've been wanting to check out this author since Meant To Be released. I've yet to check out either of them. Great review! The characters sound pretty interesting :)

    Janina @ Synchronized Reading

  15. Despite the plausibility issues this sounds wonderful! So glad you enjoyed this :)

  16. Not really my type of read but I am happy it turned out good.

  17. I've always like movies where characters switched places because the characters come out of it some much more developed and learning so much about themselves. I bet this one was a good read. I'm really glad you enjoyed it :D Jaclyn @ JC's Book Haven.

  18. I feel like I've seen nothing but amazing things about this! Both romances sound super sweet. Great review :)

  19. Yay, Brandi! I'm so excited you enjoyed this because it gives me hope I will too. I really had fun with Meant To Be her debut and so I was excited for this one until I read a couple of less than great reactions. Wonderful review! :)

  20. This sounds really funny! And I love both figure skating and ice-hockey, so that's an added bonus - especially when there's a girl playing hockey.

    Great review, I'm adding Being Sloane Jacobs to my TBR. Happy reading.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  21. I might try this one out just because it has a beautiful cover. I'm not a very big sports person, but maybe that won't matter while reading this. Do you think?

    Have a great week!


    1. I think you could still enjoy if you like the switching places premise

  22. Great review :D I'm glad you mostly loved this book. And happy that you thought the romance was good :) Thank you for sharing. <3

  23. oh I haven't read any hockey books for now, it sounds great!

  24. Another book on the ice? I love that SHE plays hockey! :) I'm glad you enjoyed this, Brandi. And it's definitely going on my TBR.

  25. This sounds incredibly cute and I really need to get a copy. I'm glad you enjoyed it despite a few believability issues.

  26. Sounds like a good read, I like the idea of switching places with someone. It would be fun oneday, to find time to slip away and read more!!

  27. Its always a good sign when I read of someone wanting more. Great review, I'm sure my skating mad friend would love this book.


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