
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Review: Where You'll Find Me by Erin Fletcher

Where You'll Find Me
Where You'll Find Me by Erin Fletcher
When Hanley Helton discovers a boy living in her garage, she knows she should kick him out. But Nate is too charming to be dangerous. He just needs a place to get away, which Hanley understands. Her own escape methods (vodka, black hair dye, and pretending the past didn't happen) are more traditional, but who is she to judge?
Nate doesn't tell her why he's in her garage, and she doesn't tell him what she's running from. Soon, Hanley's trading her late-night escapades for all-night conversations and stolen kisses. But when Nate's recognized as the missing teen from the news, Hanley isn't sure which is worse: that she's harboring a fugitive, or that she's in love with one.


Publishes in US: January 7th 2014 by Entangled: Teen
Genre: ya contemp
Source: Entangled Teen via Netgalley
Series? No.

Buy it:  Goodreads | Amazon | B&N | iTunes

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    I chose to read Where You'll Find Me because it was available in exchange for a review on Netgalley and the synopsis sounded like something I would like. I wanted to know what Hanley was dealing with and what would drive Nate to live in her garage instead of living at home. 
     The issues in the story were pretty well done, although I think that Hanley's story could have further been explored. I think that she began to deal with the emotions, but as the reader, I wanted more about her pain, the past friendship and what led to her guilt and running. 
     I could tell that her parents loved Hanley but I do know that they were being pretty blind in a lot of aspects. As a parent myself, I can sympathize with the lost feeling that you don't know how to help your child or have them deal with their issues in a healthy way. 
    The chemistry and draw of Nate is well done, and I can understand why Hanley would keep the secret, after all, she knows what its like to want to disappear and hide from dealing with pain, guilt and issues. I do appreciate how Hanley didn't implicitly trust everything Nate said even though she was attracted to him, but that she trusts little by little and that she is hurt when she thinks the trust is misplaced. I like how Nate is caring, doesn't judge and how kind of a soul he has. I know that he has secrets, and when the depth of them were revealed, my heart really broke for him. 
    The pacing was good, I never really wanted to put the book down. The world building was good, I think that it was realistic for the most part, and for the things that were a bit of a stretch I could still think of explanations. 
    I saw great progress in all of the relationships and that pleased me. Between Hanley and her best friend I think was the biggest change, which made me happy when their friendship began to change for the better, getting deeper and actually talking to each other instead of just partying together and keeping it surface level. I also liked how Heather and Hanley got closer and how that came about. 
    The ending was good, and kept with the tone of the story, and gave hope, but nothing was wrapped up too much that it seemed forced or unrealistic. 

Bottom Line: Good contemp with a unique spin.

My question to you, my lovely readers:
Have you known anyone who ran away from home?
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  1. And she does not kick him out? *headdesk*

  2. Sounds interesting. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    As for the question, yes, I've known someone who ran away from home.

  3. This sounds like a great read. I love when a story stays realistic and when the characters can really make me feel for them. I also like how there is good character development over the course of the story. I just may check this one out! Lovely review, Brandi!

  4. I saw this on NetGalley and thought it sounded like a good contemporary. I'm glad the mystery and issued were handled well. Glad you enjoyed it Brandi and nice review. :)

  5. I was curious about this one, and am glad to see you felt it was realistic.

  6. I saw this on Netgalley too but I'm trying not to pick up so many books on the site and catch up on my review pile. Great review!

  7. Great review!

    I do enjoy books with emotional situations, especially ones that test the character, but also build the character up. I also enjoy a contemporary that has a very unique spin to it.

  8. This sounds good! I'm curious about why he ran away and his story. I ran away the last day of 8th grade. I only stayed away one day before someone made me call my mom, so I'm not sure it really counted but I spent the day watching Nirvana videos. That's all I remember...

  9. I'm immediately curious as to why he's hiding in the garage but I'm sure it would break my heart as well. I'm glad to hear things wrap up enough to be satisfying. Wonderful review, Brandi! :)

  10. Ooo I just read and loved this book :) I'm not usually into realistic fiction :)

    As to runaways, yes I've know a few in my few years of teaching high school. The ones of encountered usually runaway because of young love or not wanting to live with their parents/guardians rules, but I'm sure there are many reasons. We just had two runaways found :) I'm glad they were found safe :)

  11. I like the sound of the story. Like Rachel, I'm really curious about why Nate was hiding in a garage. It's also good to know that Hanley didn't immediately trust a stranger. Loved your review, Brandi!

  12. I am with the others, what was in the garage?

  13. I'm glad the ending was hopeful, this sounds like it could be a very intense story! Glad you enjoyed it. :-)

  14. Hmmm, sounds okay. I do want to read this one though. Love when a book feels realistic.

  15. I'm very curious about why the guy is in her garage! Good job on the author for that. Nice review, Brandi.

  16. I'm glad you thought it was a good read, it does sound like one I would enjoy. It's good that the characters relationship with her BF developed well. Nice review!

    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  17. I don't know anyone who has ran away from home, but the topic really intrigues me. I think this sounds likea great issue book and I'm glad you enjoyed it:)

  18. "But Nate is too charming to be dangerous." That line made me laugh.

    What could go wrong?? Usually nothing in YA but still... lol

    I'm glad that the story worked though.

  19. It can be nice, I don't see I saw this one on NG so thanks for the discovery!

  20. Gah, I really need to get this! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
    Sure...I knew a few people in high school that actually did run away from home.


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