
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

WoW, waiting on wednesday

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted over at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating. I also feature books that may have already released, but I am anxiously waiting to read.

This week, I'm featuring:
Who's the real victim here? This tense and gripping exploration of cyberbullying and teen suicide is perfect for fans of Before I Fall andThirteen Reasons Why.

Late at night Tori receives a random phone call. It's a wrong number. But the caller seems to want to talk, so she stays on the line.

He asks for a single thing—one reason not to kill himself.

The request plunges her into confusion. Because if this random caller actually does what he plans, he'll be the second person connected to Tori to take his own life. And the first just might land her in jail. After her Facebook page became Exhibit A in a tragic national news story about cyberbullying, Tori can't help but suspect the caller is a fraud. But what if he’s not? Her words alone may hold the power of life or death.

With the clock ticking, Tori has little time to save a stranger—and maybe redeem herself—leading to a startling conclusion that changes everything…

Expected publication: August 12th 2014 by Simon Pulse

What are you waiting on?
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  1. Creepy cover! I like it. Sounds like an interesting book :D I hope you will love it when you get to read it sweetie. <3 Thank you for sharing :)

  2. I really like the cover for this one. It's creepy but it seems it fits the book. Great pick :)

  3. Sounds really interesting, I haven't heard of this one before so thanks for introducing me to it :) The cover is very creepy!

  4. Never heard of that one! Creepy cover!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. This sounds really really good! I gotta check this one out.

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  6. Sounds interesting ...
    I would totally freak out if someone asked me that

    Check Out My WoW

  7. Ok, the premise seems very intriguing. Though, it also seems like a very emotional and suspenseful book. While I can handle suspense, I don’t want to read a depressing story any time soon. Then again, it comes out in August :) Thanks for sharing, Brandi!

  8. Interesting pick, very different.

  9. Hmmmmmmm........I would of just hung up! Why would i stay on the phone when I already know they have the wrong number! CREEPY!!! lol
    Stop by and Check out my W.O.W ;)
    Michelle @ Book Hangovers Blabs Books

  10. This one definitely sounds interesting! I'm curious how it all plays out!

  11. Brandi, this sounds quite chilling, and very intriguing! I am adding it to my TBR :)

    Happy reading.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  12. I've not heard of this one before, but I'm about to add it to my tbr. It sounds really good! Great pick :)

    My WoW!

  13. I don't think I've heard of this one, but it sounds like a gripping read!

    Great WoW pick!

  14. Oh this one sounds really good. Thanks for sharing!

  15. I know suicide is an issue you struggle with. Hopefully this one will help you understand better what happened. I hope it doesn't make things worse. Issue books, especially those that deal with mental health, tread a fine line between sensationalism and fiction. I don't know this author.

  16. Oh, this sounds very intense. I hope the author does a good job with this and the story makes an impact.

  17. I didn't know this one but I'm curious about it.

  18. There are a lot of books about cyber bullying lately. The ones I've read have been very good so I'll add this to the list.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  19. Wow, this sounds intense and chilling. Haven't heard of it yet, but love the cover. Hope you enjoy it, Brandi :)

  20. oh wow this one is new to me but it sounds really intense.

    Awesome Pick! :)

    My WoW

    Michelle @ Book Briefs

  21. I've never heard of this book! I hope you read and love it :)

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  22. Oooh, this one sounds really good! Thanks for putting it on my radar! I'm going to have to add it to Goodreads!

  23. Great pick Brandi! This is a new author to me, but I like the sound of the book!

    Thanx for visiting my WoW!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace


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