
Monday, May 12, 2014

Review: Rebel by Amy Tintera

Rebel (Reboot, #2)
Rebel (Reboot #2) by Amy Tintera
The sequel to the action-packed Reboot is a can't-miss thrill ride, perfect for fans of James Patterson, Veronica Roth, and Marie Lu.
After coming back from death as Reboots and being trained by HARC as soldiers, Wren and Callum have finally escaped north, where they hope to find a life of freedom. But when they arrive at the Reboot Reservation, it isn't what they expected. Under the rule of a bloodthirsty leader, Micah, the Reboots are about to wage an all-out war on the humans. Although Wren's instincts are telling her to set off into the wilderness on their own and leave the battle far behind, Callum is unwilling to let his human family be murdered. When Micah commits the ultimate betrayal, the choice is made for them. But Micah has also made a fatal mistake . . . he's underestimated Wren and Callum.
The explosive finale to the Reboot duology is full of riveting action and steamy love scenes as Wren and Callum become rebels against their own kind.
Publishes in US: May 13th 2014 by HarperTeen
Genre: YA sci-fi
Source: Harper Teen via Edelweiss
Series? Reboot #2
My Review of the 1st in series: Reboot by Amy Tintera
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   I wanted to read Rebel because the premise and action was there for me in Reboot. Wren was different, her humanity was brought out by Callum, and I liked their chemistry and how they were together. I remembered that Reboot was captivating and I read it all at once, and was hoping for the same romance, action and plot to once again take me away in Rebel. 
   Rebel certainly started out entertaining. I don't remember if it was dual perspective in Reboot, but we start out in Callum's head, and his sense of humor was great. He was looking at Wren and said she had a look on her face like she was either happy or thinking about beating someone up. Either way, he loved that look. And that sums up Wren. She gives this calm facade but inside she is nervous and unsure at times. She doesn't realize just how much everyone looks to her as a leader. And Callum sees her strength. 
    Rebel starts right where Reboot left off. I read a summary of Reboot since I didn't have time to reread, and once again the recaptains blog helped me to remember the details. I probably would have been a bit lost, but with a refresher course, I was ready to hit the ground running right along with the plot. 
    They are a bit divided, Wren was just as happy staying at HARC, but Callum wasn't a fan of that. Then she starts feeling like Micah can't be trusted and that they shouldn't stay at the Reboot camp, but again, she concedes and stays for Callum. I think that they both finally get things that need to be said out in the air and figure out the best thing for them, and the best thing they can do to help others. 
    There were quite a few surprises in this on. Micah's cruelty, people who ended up standing by and backing up Wren and Callum, seeing Callum step up with leadership, as well as some of the plot turns that I never saw coming. I think that the biggest thing for me was seeing the character growth in both Wren and Callum. Callum for learning to lead, and figuring out where his stance is with the morals and with killing people as well as how he views Wren and if he really wishes that some things about her would change. Wren had a lot of growth as far as recognizing the logical action--which sometimes is the extreme and hurts other people, and what the best plan for everyone is. She also comes around more with her feelings, emotions, and sorts out the guilt issue--does she feel it for killing people? Should she? 
    The romance was nice in this one. They are already together and they are a rock and something to depend on for each other, but they are also whole and complete and can stand on their own. They just provide an extra source of strength. There were some pretty tense scenes but also some very hot and swoon worthy in this one. 
    The ending wrapped things up very well and I put down the book satisfied and having hope for the future of Wren, Callum, the Reboots and this world in general.

Bottom Line: Fast paced satisfying ending to fun and swoony series.

My question to you, my lovely readers:
Would you want to be brought back from death to be trained as a soldier?
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  1. Amazing review sweetie :) I really loved this book. <3 I'm glad you liked it too :D And yess. The ending was pretty awesome; which makes me happy ;p

  2. This sounds like a book with lots to offer, thanks for the recommendation.

  3. Sounds like an interesting series. Lol No I don't think I would want to be bought back to be trained as a soldier D:

  4. kirstymariejonesstudioreadsMay 12, 2014 at 11:42 AM

    I haven't yet read Reboot (though my friends who have loved it, so it's on my TBR) but I was checking out reviews for Rebel just to see how it ended. I've read a few saying they like Callum better this time around since you got to know him more. And I think a lot of people are happy with how it ended (though, I have read some that wasn't too impressed) so I guess it differs, but I still want to try both of them. :)

    Kirsty @ StudioReads

  5. I haven't read the first book, but I have it and I've been hearing good things!

  6. I've seen this book all over the blogosphere lately! Thank goodness for reviewers because otherwise, I don't think I would have given that cover a second look.

  7. I know, it doesn't tell whats inside... I can see why chosen, but still

  8. Hope you end up enjoying if you read. I liked Callum in first one and even better in this one

  9. I don't normally either, but I do like how they are portrayed here

  10. Somehow all I wanted and didn't even know it.

  11. Oh I meant to read the first book but never got around to it... glad to hear the sequel was just as good. Great review!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  12. Oh this is the end of the series already? I am finishing this one today and I am liking it much better than the first.

  13. I'm glad that you've enjoyed the sequel. I still have yet to check out book one, but I do want to try it out at some point because I've heard great things about it. Great review!

    Janina @ Synchronized Reading

  14. I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed this, I loved the first book! Can't wait to read this. :-)

  15. Sounds good, I should check it out

  16. I remember wanting to read the first book, and it looks like I must! Glad the series wrapped up nicely. Amazing review!

  17. Ooh, I need to read the first one!

  18. I need to read the first one too. No I would not want to be brought back from death to be trained as a soldier. If I die, just let me be dead!

  19. Melissa (Books and Things)May 12, 2014 at 8:08 PM

    Hm... I still need to read that first book, but I'm so glad that this one ends well. No cliffies? Yes! :)

  20. I've been putting off reading this. I don't really feel like reading a post-apocalyptic book and I often have issues with "on the run" books. But the reviews I've read have been pretty positive. I need to start reading!
    Jen @ YA Romantics

  21. Andrea @The Bookish BabeMay 13, 2014 at 12:28 AM

    It's always nice when a sequel delivers to your expectations. Thanks for the review, Brandi!

  22. It sounds interesting! And well it's always so good when the end is like that! Love that. I confess I'm quite curious about the world here.

  23. I still need to read the first book but I feel better about it now since the second was so good.

  24. I just got Reboot a week or so ago, and I really excited to read it. I don't think I'd want to be brought back from death and trained as a soldier though . . . just doesn't sound like my idea of a good time, LOL.

  25. Jenea WhittingtonMay 13, 2014 at 7:58 AM

    I skimmed you review, I am hoping to be able to read this one soon. I am glad that it seems to be really good. Glad that enjoyed it.

  26. Heh, yeah,not really a good time,but at least not technically dead

  27. First was really good too, fast read

  28. At least for most they were at the camp and then cities, not constant travel

  29. I have yet to read these books yet, but it sounds like I won't be disappointed. There's much to be said for character development.

  30. I really enjoyed Reboot, so I'm definitely planning to read this one soon!


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