
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Review: A Little Too Hot by Lisa Desrochers

A Little Too Hot (A Little Too Far, #3)
A Little Too Hot (A Little Too Far #3) by Lisa Desrochers

This book is a stand-alone A LITTLE TOO FAR novel.
If you play with fire…
Tossed out of college and cut off by her parents, Samantha West is in pretty dire straits. So when her rocker best friend hooks her up with a job dancing at a gentlemen’s club, who is she to turn it down? Plus, there are rules to dancing at Benny’s: No touching, keep your clothes on at all times, and never get closer than three feet. Unfortunately for Sam, her first private client makes her want to break every single one of them.
Harrison Yates is scorching hot, but he’s got a past that involves being left at the altar not too long ago. Sam is determined to make him forget about his ex, but when she makes her move, it flings her life into a spiral of chaos she never saw coming.
Because Harrison Yates isn’t who he seems to be. And his secret will probably get her killed.
Publishes in US: January 21st 2014 by William Morrow Impulse
Genre: NA contemp
Source: bought
Series? A Little Too Far #3
my review of 1st: A Little Too Far by Lisa Desrochers
my review of 2nd: A Little Too Much by Lisa Desrochers

Buy it: Barnes & Noble Amazon iTunes

Author stalk away: Website
Sacramento & Company TV interview

    I wanted to read this one because I have enjoyed the others in the A Little Too Far series, and even Lisa's first series Personal Demons. Of course, I wanted to find out what she had in store for me in this one. 
    I could def relate with Sam, the main character. Life has dealt her a hard hand, and she feels like a disappointment to her parents. She's dropped (read failed) out of college, and she is semi-couch surfing. She is strong though, and she is open to accepting help from the people that are in her life. 

    Although I can't dance, I could still root for her as she went to Benny's untrained and a ball of nerves. But its not a strip club persay, she just dances and while she isn't wearing a ton of clothes, they all stay in place. This has to be such a hard situation, because you have to know that most of those girls are doing it for the money, and may feel like they don't have a choice. I do like though, that they get immersed into the culture and some of them discover they like it. Or at least aspects of it. 

    I liked Harrison at first, but the twist, oh the twist. It was hard to keep liking him. Although through many tv shows, I know the other side of it, but in this situation, I was pulling for Sam so it was a shock and slap in the face. The direction the story took after that was pretty unique, but I skimmed a bit. Until the karate scene. That is when my heart started really getting back into it. It was a hot scene, and the showing of a somewhat forbidden relationship. But then they were interrupted, which became quite the theme for their relation-whatever you wanna call it.  
    While this one was good, I enjoyed Lisa's other books better. I think once trust was broken with Harrison I couldn't get as fully into the romance. 

Bottom Line:  While this one was good, I enjoyed Lisa's other books better. I think once trust was broken with Harrison I couldn't get as fully into the romance.

My question to you, my lovely readers:
Have you ever danced on stage in any capacity?
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  1. I just couldn't get over what Harrision did. Not even by the end. The story was interesting but what Harrison did, no!

  2. Love when you can really relate to a character but erg! yeah once trust is broken I would have had a hard time with him too.

  3. I am kinda curious about the not trusting Harrison, but am leery to find out what he did too. Great review!

  4. I haven't read this series yet, nor have I been interested in it, to be honest. I wasn't a fan of Personal Demons so, that kind of left a bad taste in my mouth.

  5. Andrea @The Bookish BabeJune 24, 2014 at 11:18 AM

    Harrison made me so angry too! It took a while to win back my trust, and I really enjoyed ALTH. Thanks for the review!

  6. Oh, I'm curious about the twist now. Although this was not your favorite read from the author, I'm glad you still enjoyed it Brandi :) Harrison seems to be a bit on the naughty list by looking at the comments - lol. :)

  7. I have the first one but still haven't read it. It's too bad this one wasn't as good as the others.

  8. Ooh now I'm super curious about the twist! I want to know every twist of every book! haha! I have this author's Personal Demons series at home I really should get to that it's been on my TBR for Aaages!

  9. I totally agree with you on this book! The twist really made it hard for me to get behind Harrison totally. Also part of the book just kind of dragged for me (after the twist where they do the same thing over and over again). I liked the other books in the series more too. Lovely honest review!

  10. Nice review Brandi. The twist has you conflicted I see.

    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  11. I heard about her paranormal series but not this one or I don't remember about it but I should try maybe. But I can understand the twist changed things too.

  12. great review#itching to get a hold of that book

  13. I am glad that you liked it, even if not as well as the others you have read by this author. I have not read anything by Lisa Desrochers. I will have to give an earlier installment a try.

  14. For some reason I haven't finished the para series. I have the 3rd and have for a couple years I think

  15. LOL yes, some deception to say the least

  16. Lovely review!

    I've been meaning to start this series, but just haven't gotten to it yet. However, I do love the sound of this one. Glad you enjoyed it despite the whole losing trust thing that resulted in not fully enjoying the romance. :)

  17. Eh I think I'll take a pass on this one...


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