
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Waiting on Wednesday, WoW

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted over at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating. I also feature books that may have already released, but I am anxiously waiting to read.

This week, I'm featuring:
One, Two, Three (One, Two, Three #1)
When seventeen-year-old Natalya’s dreams of being a ballerina are killed in a car accident along with her father, she must choose: shut down—like her mother—or open up to love. 

Last year,seventeen-year-old Natalya Pushkaya was attending the School of Performing Arts in New York City. Last year, she was well on her way to becoming a professional ballerina. Last year, her father was still alive.

But a car crash changed all that—and Natalya can’t stop blaming herself. Now, she goes to a regular high school in New Jersey; lives with her onetime prima ballerina, now alcoholic mother; and has no hope of a dance career.

At her new school, however, sexy soccer player Antonio sees a brighter future for Natalya, or at least a more pleasant present. Keeping him an arabesque away proves to be a challenge for Natalya and his patient charms eventually draw her out of her shell. 

When upsetting secrets come to light and Tonio’s own problems draw her in, Natalya shuts down again, this time turning to alcohol herself.

Can Natalya learn to trust Antonio before she loses him—and destroys herself?

Releases: June 26th 2014 by Createspace

What are you waiting on?


  1. That's a totally new to me book! Hope you enjoy it!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Waiting on the new CJ Sansom novel. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy it.

  3. Sounds very intriguing! How you get a chance to read this soon!

  4. I'm not sure this one is for me... I don't read a lot of contemporary fiction and this might be a little too serious for my taste. I really hope you love it though! Thanks for sharing :)

    Here's my WoW!

  5. I loved this one, I hope you do too :)

  6. Oh, wow, sounds like a book with lots of issues...thanks for sharing. Here's mine:


  7. Sounds interesting :D I hope you will love it Brandi. <3 thank you so much for sharing about this book :)

  8. This sounds a bit angsty, but it has a good theme. I hope you can read it and enjoy it!

  9. I haven't heard of this book before. I hope you enjoy reading it.
    My WoW

  10. I hadn't heard of this! Interesting.


  11. Sounds like a serious one, (admittedly, I've seen it around, never really checked out the blurb before though, thought it was something totally different) but looks good! :)

  12. This definitely sounds like an emotional story! I hadn't heard of this one so thanks for introducing me to it!

  13. Oooh... this sounds like an interesting one Brandi. Nice pick!

    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace


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