
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Review: Glass Houses by Rachel Caine

Glass Houses (The Morganville Vampires #1) by Rachel Caine 
From the author of the popular Weather Warden series comes the debut of an exciting new series set in Morganville, Texas, where you would be well advised to avoid being out after dark.
College freshman Claire Danvers has had enough of her nightmarish dorm situation. When Claire heads off-campus, the imposing old house where she finds a room may not be much better. Her new roommates don't show many signs of life, but they'll have Claire's back when the town's deepest secrets come crawling out, hungry for fresh blood. Will she be able to face the town's terror or will she drown like everyone else?
Publishes in US: October 3rd 2006 by NAL Jam
Genre: YA paranormal
Source: bought
Series? The Morganville Vampires #1

Buy it: Audible || B&N || BAM || GoodReads
Google Books || IndieBound

Author stalk away: ~site  series


   Okay, so I will admit, I have seen this around for ages and read some good reviews of the series, but it didn't get my attention until I watched the first couple of web series episodes, and knew it had even more potential to make a good read, especially dropping the cheesiness that I cringed at a bit in the episodes. 

   I love Claire, she is a brilliant 16 year old and she has this fierce determination, not backing down from a challenge, and never wanting to quit. She is first bullied by a mean girl type named Monica, and she finally stood up to her and was granted a shove down the stairs for her effort. She begins to look for a house off of campus and then subsequently discovers that this town is full of vampires. Since neither her, or Shane, Micheal or Eve has protection from a vamp and can be considered free range. As an intellectual she has a hard time  believing until she sees vampire strength and presence with her own eyes. 

   I fell for the other members of the house, Eve the goth but such a sweetie underneath, beautiful boys both with their own secrets who at first have a hard time accepting Claire as a fourth in their house but then she earns some respect because she did stand up to Monica and gets bonus points because she can cook. 

   The secrets unveiled, the world building for the town, and the development of the characters really made this story, although it def made me want to read the next one right away. 

Bottom Line: Loved the main character and world building

My question to you, my lovely readers:
Could you stay in a town filled with vampires? What motivations would you have?


  1. Oh yeah, definitely liking the sound of this one. And it's new to me.

  2. Oh man. You've got a long way to go to catch up! I think I abandoned the series at book 5. :/

  3. I love this series so much, Brandi! The only book I haven't read yet is the very last one - because I don't want it to be all over. I love all the characters, too, and I thought the world-building is fantastic. I hope you'll continue to enjoy.

  4. The characters are awesome, I am so invested in them already

  5. Did you lose interest? Or just not enough time?

  6. I've seen them around for a while, but the web series prompted me to try the books

  7. I keep meaning to check-out Rachel Caine's books, but I'm sure you know how that goes. Maybe I'll take a peek at the web episodes to see if they end up hooking me like they did for you. Thanks for the FYI about the cheese factor though, I'll make sure that that doesn't impact me decision.

  8. I'm so glad you're starting this! I finished the series already and really enjoyed every book. I hope you'll feel the same way.

  9. Oh wow, this is an old read, but sometimes it's good to go back and read those books! I am happy to see you enjoyed this one. I haven't seen the web series, but I think I will check it ;)

  10. My girl Glass is a huge fan of this series (I think she even got her username from something/someone in it) but I still haven't read it. I will one day for sure. Great review :)

  11. I always meant to try these, but never did

  12. I love this series. Jaclyn got me to read them a few years back. I really need to find the time to go back and reread the series. Matt @ JC's Book Haven.

  13. in hindsight I wish I followed this instead of Blue Bloods.

  14. I love this series, I haven't finished them yet (since whoa there are loads) but so damn good, and Claire & Shane <3 I don't think if I'd stay in a town full of vampires (especially this one.)

  15. I read the first book too, but I didn't read any further. I have not been watching the web series but I do think that a lot of YA series have high cheese potential and they need to embrace that -- I think PLL is good at this.

  16. I've had this one on my shelf for a while now but never got around to it. Clearly I need to because it sounds good. Great review!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives


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