
Thursday, April 21, 2016

Review: A Walk in the Sun by Michelle Zink

A Walk in the Sun by Michelle Zink
In this Bridges of Madison County for teens, Michelle Zink weaves a magnetic tale about summer love that stays with you long after the seasons change.
Rose Darrow never wanted to spend her life working on her family’s farm. But when her family is rocked by an unexpected tragedy she has no choice but to put her plans for the future—and dreams of escaping her small town—on hold.
Bodhi Lowell left home as a kid and hasn’t looked back. Years of working farm jobs has given him the one thing he wants most: freedom to travel without answering to anyone. He’s already looking past his job at Darrow Farm and plans on leaving in September—until he meets Rose.
Neither Rose nor Bodhi can deny the sparks flying between them, but with the end of summer looming, they must decide if it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all....


Publishes in US: May 3rd 2016 by HarperTeen
Genre: ya contemp
Source: Harperteen via edelweiss
Disclaimer: I received this book as an ARC (advanced review copy). I am not paid for this review, and my opinions in this review are mine, and are not effected by the book being free.
Series? no

Buy it: AmazonBarnes and NobleiBooksKoboPREORDER A SIGNED HARDCOVER IndieBound Book Depository

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    I wanted to read this one because I like the sound of a summer romance and a bit of a lighter contemporary read than I have been reading. Plus the cover is super adorable, so it caught my eye. 

    Rose's has been handling things on the family farm because her mom passed away and since then her dad hasn't been able to really handle things. so with the help of a neighbor she has been learning the business and the animals and what needs to be done. she's taking on a lot of responsibility but she realizes it and she wants to help even if it does seem like she resents it a bit. She's missed out on college applications and deadlines and that sort of thing and it's also limited her social life.

    As the novel is beginning Bodhi is just wandering into town. we learn about him that he's also from a pretty rough past and was kind of hiding out and the solitary life. He wanted out from under his dad house and not in foster home so he learned ways for that to happen. He's found his home working with animals on farms and ranches having a roof above his head and somewhere to stay and food and he's been fine with that life.

    I liked Rose's friendship with lexie. She keeps her honest and brings a new perspective to boys, trying to get her to focus on things outside of the farm, and remember that there is another kind of life she could strive for.

   There was a lot of tension between Rose and Bodhi and I really liked it and I also like the fact that they questioned this attraction and the awkwardness and if the other one was interested. it was just kind of a fun and give and take and I was wanting for things to work out for them. I liked their timing and progression of their relationship. Both learned to let go and let someone new in even if it meant that they might part ways, and leave the other's life at the end of the summer. 

  I liked the resolution, and could see how the whole novel was pointing that way. It helped show a family's timeline through grief, and the different things that opened their eyes and illuminated the unhealthy ways they were coping, and I was glad to see progress in their life. Seeing how they can keep a memory alive and still stay in the land of the living- life that changes and develops, and brings different people in at the right times. 

Bottom Line: Liked the sweet romance and the emotional touches.

My question to you, my lovely readers:
Ever been on a farm?

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