A Mom After God's Own Heart: 10 Ways to Love Your Children by Elizabeth George
My Review:
This book is heartfelt and Ms. George gives great tips on how to raise and cultivate your child's heart for God. There are practical tips on how to actually carry out her suggestions, and it is organized well. There is even sections from her husband speaking to moms from a man's perspective, whether you have support from your husband or if he is most supportive.
I was very challenged but also inspired by this one, and if you're a christian mom, I def recommend it!

Elizabeth George’s A Mother After God’s Own Heart offers 10 principles to help moms make God an everyday part of their children’s lives. Readers will explore how to...Source: bought
teach their children God’s Word, train them in God’s ways, talk to children about Jesus, pray with and for them
Elizabeth, who has two grown children and six grandchildren, gives practical advice and real–life suggestions for helping children—no matter what their ages—incorporate God into daily life. Elizabeth’s husband, Jim, also provides biblical advice from a dad’s perspective.
My Review:
This book is heartfelt and Ms. George gives great tips on how to raise and cultivate your child's heart for God. There are practical tips on how to actually carry out her suggestions, and it is organized well. There is even sections from her husband speaking to moms from a man's perspective, whether you have support from your husband or if he is most supportive.
I was very challenged but also inspired by this one, and if you're a christian mom, I def recommend it!

Now this book sounds right up my alley!!!!