
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Stacking the Shelves, IMMB, Showcase Sunday, The Sunday Post Mailbox Memes

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews,  check it out and sign up  here

IMMB was started by Kristi at The Story Siren. Check it out and sign up here
Showcase Sunday is hosted by Books, Buscuits and Tea, ccheck it out and sign up here
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It's a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

What I got:
This is Not Forgiveness
source: netgalley
currently reading
What's Left of Me (The Hybrid Chronicles, #1)
source: won from Kat and Jess
won from Buried in Books
Me, Him, Them and It
source: bloomsbury
Anthem for Jackson Dawes
source: bloomsbury

Mystic City (Mystic City, #1)
source: netgalley
Beta (Annex, #1)
source: disney
my review here
Send Me a Sign
source: walker
my review here
The Opposite of Hallelujah
source: netgalley
my review here
source: trade with YA Romantics

My week:
It's been a good week, but very busy. My husband is out of town this weekend so it is just me and the two girls for the first time overnight.

Last Week on the blog:
Review: The Opposite of Hallelujah by Anna Jarzab
Review: Send Me a Sign by Tiffany Schmidt
Review: Beta by Rachel Cohn
Giveaway: Copy of A Strange Fire and A Vision of Green
Waiting on Wednesday 9/26

Coming up on the blog:
Cover Reveal Purgatory Reign by LM Preston
Fangs, Fur & Fey Giveaway Hop
Waiting on Wednesday 10/3
DNF post

What are you reading? Any of my books new to you or have you read any of my books? If so, what did you think?
Also, feel free to link up your blog and mailbox post.

My question to you, my lovely readers:


  1. Having read and reviewed This Is Not Forgiveness earlier this year I'm eager to read your thoughts on it.

  2. OOoh nice! Haven't heard of all these but I hope you enjoy them all!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Ooh you got some pretties this week! What's Left of Me and Beta look really good.

    My STS

  4. Great selection you've got there! I have a few of those too from NetGalley. I hope you enjoy them! :)

    Lisa @ Lost in Literature
    My Stacking the Shelves

  5. Where do I begin. Great haul of books. Hope you really like them. I have some of the same ones that you do.


  6. Great haul this week, enjoy them!

    Check out my StS post

  7. Nice stack of books this week. I can't believe that I'm going to say this but I am not familiar with any of these books. HaHa Looks like I will be adding some time my list.
    Enjoy your new books,
    Book Sniffers Anonymous

    1. LOL, well here's to spicing up your YA reading list :)

  8. many new books, I hope you'll enjoy them all. Happy reading!

    here is mine

  9. Great books! I loved What's Left of Me! Hope you enjoy reading them all!

    Kristin @ Young Adult Book Haven

    1. I have to make time for it. It seems its all I can to keep up with arcs much less some of bought or won!

  10. I liked What's Left of Me and Beta. Looking forward to Smashed and Mystic City! Happy reading!
    My Stack

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Enjoyed Mystic City, I hope you like it too!

    Happy weekend!
    Talk Supe

  13. What's Left For Me and Mystic City are two books that i cannot wait to read! You've got some really amazing books! Enjoy!

  14. I just got What's Left Of Me, too! I hope it's a good read :)

  15. Oooh jealous, What's Left of Me and Mystic City. I want both desperately. I hope you enjoy.

    Great haul! :)

  16. What a great week you've had! I'm super curious about 'Mystic City' & 'What's Left of Me'. Thanks for sharing & happy reading to you :)

    New GFC Follower!

    Thanks for stopping by my StS

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows

  17. I'm with the others ~ What's Left of Me and Mystic City are two books that have caught my attention and just refuse to let go.. can't wait to read these! Enjoy! *new follower*

    My StS

    Happy Reading :)

  18. I can't wait to read Mystic City and What's Left of Me! I hope you enjoy them! :)
    You can see what books I got here!

  19. What's Left of Me was pretty good. I am excited to read Beta!! Awesome book week =)

    Our StS for the week =)

  20. Squee! You got What's Left of Me, that's at the top of my wishlist pile, very nice! ^.^ Enjoy all of your books and happy reading! If you would like to check out my Stacking the Shelves post you can do so here or my Sunday Post here! :)

  21. Just Blog Hopping! :D New Follower! My Sunday Blog Hops! :D
    Michelle @ Mom With A Kindle

  22. You really rocked the book haul this week! Wow, you have some very happy reading in your future! Enjoy!! My Sunday Edition @ Paulette’s Papers

  23. Wow, sweet haul. You had a great week on the blog and I look forward to this week. I am anxious to see what you think of What's Left of Me. Thanks for being a part of The Sunday Post

  24. Great book haul! Me Him Them and It and What's Left of Us book look good. Happy Reading!

  25. What's Left of me just came in for me from the library and i am DYING to read it. Unfortunately I have a huge stack of other great books to devour first. I love the cover for mystic city! Here's Our Sunday Post

    If you read scary books at all, we're having a mini-meme for October. We'd just love to see what scary books people are reading, either in a post or comments!
    Terror 'Tober

  26. What an amazing haul! Most of these books are on my wishlist - I'm super jealous! :) I hope you enjoy them all!


I would love to hear from you! (I always try to visit your blog back) I love links, so feel free to link to your blog or a post you like.
Sorry, but I am award and tag free zone, I do not have the time to return. Comments are reward enough :)