
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Giveaway: We Are Savages and author interview Jessie Atkin

We Are Savages
We Are Savages by Jessie Atkin

We Are Savages is the story of 12 year old Tris and what she finds when she runs from the responsibility of her household and descends through a rain grate into the child run world of Nowhere. "You go to bed angry or sad enough you can wake up just about anywhere," the Savages tell her. It is a brick utopia hidden in the sewers; made up of sweets, sports, hammocks, and fireflies. But even this haven, free of parents and protocol, is not everything it seems. Haunted by dark specters known only as Phocydes, feared for their reputation of consuming children whole, Tris works both to hunt and to hide from these hooded shadows. But something about them is familiar; something about them fires her curiosity more than her fear. And Tris slowly begins to realize that, no matter where you go, fear and responsibility are not things you can escape, the only thing to do is face them.

Blkosiner's Book Blog Giveaway
-1 kindle copy, open internationally
-Fill out Rafflecopter to enter
-Ends on 2/16/2013 11:59 pm EST
-Make sure to check out and comment on our interview below for an extra entry
-If you win a review on your blog and/or amazon is appreciated but not required.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

interview with Blkosiner's Book Blog

--The Twitter version: tell us about your book in 140 characters or less.
It begins w a dog and ends with a question? Can you escape your fears? Tris Simon descends underground to the world of Nowhere to find out.

--How did you get the idea for the story?
I was in college and really missed my dog. So that's why the story opens with a girl and her dog.  The story evolved once I was cast in a school production of Peter Pan. I just kept thinking, if the Darling kids were to disappear today, what might that world look like?

--Which character would you most/least like to have dinner with?
I would love to have dinner with Aya.  I'd be interested to hear more about how she grew up. I think she'd be sarcastic and funny, and it would be fun to see her interact with wait staff.

--Do you have any other works in progress? Any teasers or release dates?
I am currently revising the first YA novel in a dystopian trilogy. 

--What book(s) is your book’s “cousin”? (Similar set-up or style)
Peter Pan (in terms of set up, though not so much in terms of style)

--What are some of your favorite books? Do you still have much time to read?
My favorite book is Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Other favorites include The House of the Scorpion, Ender's Game, and All Quiet on the Western Front. I still read a lot because I make time to do so.  I think it's an important part of the writing process, to make sure I read.

--If a fairy godmother told you could be put into the world of your favorite book for 24 hours,
which book would you pick and why?
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, for sure.  Who wouldn't want to spend a day at Hogwarts?

--Do you need anything to write (music, coffee, etc)? Are there any songs on your playlist- songs that inspired you or that were playing while you wrote?
I don't need anything except paper and a pen.  Though, the music that usually comes on when I turn on iTunes includes at least one Billy Joel song.

--If you could have any superpower what would you choose?

--Besides writing, what do you like to do in your free time?
I like to read, I also go to the movies whenever I can.

--What is one thing you would tell your 15 year old self?
Go out. Do more. Be spontaneous.

--Is there anything else you want to add or say to your readers?
Keep your eyes open for more giveaways and surprises over at and on facebook.

Visit On The Web!

Lightning round: this or that?

Vanilla or chocolate? - chocolate

Edward or Jacob? – I can't say, I never read the books or saw the movies.

Hockey or soccer? - Hockey

Ebook or paper? – paper

Salty or sweet? - sweet

Beach or mountains? - mountains

Phone call or email? - email

Early bird or night owl? – night owl

Dog or cat? - dog

Messy or neat? - messy

Ninjas or pirates? - pirates


  1. Great post in Awesome Blog!
    This is a really nice blog post and the post is inspired me to start Blogging like you after visiting and reading you post.
    burun estetigi

  2. This really does sound like a kind of modern day peter pan! Very excited to hear you are writing a dystopian trilogy!

  3. Loving the Harry Potter love. :) Great interview, ladies! I haven't heard of this before, but I love the cover and think it sounds pretty interesting. Thanks for sharing. :)

  4. Great interview! Love all her answers, but mostly love that she's never read Twilight! :)

  5. I think the book sounds very interesting. I would love to read it!

  6. It's quite an interesting idea, a bit intriguing, cause there's no much detail about this world/society that Tris finds out. It has a bit of paranormal elements, which seems cool, but didn't expect it. Seems like a really nice read.


I would love to hear from you! (I always try to visit your blog back) I love links, so feel free to link to your blog or a post you like.
Sorry, but I am award and tag free zone, I do not have the time to return. Comments are reward enough :)