
Friday, January 18, 2013

Review: Black City by Elizabeth Richards

Black City (Black City, #1)
Black City (Black City #1) by Elizabeth Richards
A dark and tender post-apocalyptic love story set in the aftermath of a bloody war.
In a city where humans and Darklings are now separated by a high wall and tensions between the two races still simmer after a terrible war, sixteen-year-olds Ash Fisher, a half-blood Darkling, and Natalie Buchanan, a human and the daughter of the Emissary, meet and do the unthinkable—they fall in love. Bonded by a mysterious connection that causes Ash’s long-dormant heart to beat, Ash and Natalie first deny and then struggle to fight their forbidden feelings for each other, knowing if they’re caught, they’ll be executed—but their feelings are too strong.
When Ash and Natalie then find themselves at the center of a deadly conspiracy that threatens to pull the humans and Darklings back into war, they must make hard choices that could result in both their deaths.
Publishes in US: Nov 13 2012
Source: won
Genre: Paranormal, dystopia, vampires
Series? yes. 1st in Black City series, the 2nd Pheonix Black City #2 releases June 4 2013 and the 3rd Black City #3 is untitled but releases in 2014

Buy it: Barnes and Noble Books-A-Million Book Depository Indie Bound
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Blkosiner's Book Blog review
     Black City enthralled me, it kept me entertained with this dark and beautifully crafted world from page one until the end and left me breathless and wanting more.
     I loved the characters. Being in Natalie and Ash's heads was quite the journey from sympathizing with them and wanting to hug them to wanting to give them a Gibbs' clipboard to the back of the head for acting silly and not doing what I want them to.
     As for the plot, it had such depth, I was constantly gasping and being blindsided by what came next. There were a few points where I thought that the characters were just doing things as a plot device, but there constantly was a deeper reason, things that I never would have guessed and never thought up.
     The ending wrapped up the first book well, and gave me a sense of satisfaction while at the same time leaving me craving more and *needing* that next book in my hands now.
     While Black City does have vampires, Elizabeth gave it a take like I haven't read before, and it really seemed like a new paranormal creature rather than your standard vampire. Ash is a halfling, and his sense of disconnect and longing to just be a part of one species, the human or the Darkling is palpable. Ms. Richards gave him life and conflict, and I was wholeheartedly pulling for him, and longing for him to find his place in this dark world.
     Another thing that sold me on this story was watching Natalie grow into her own. I appreciated how she learned to stand up for herself and those that she loved even if she didn't start out that way.
     The relationship between Natalie and Ash was filled with tension but I loved both their emotional and physical attraction. There were moments where I questioned everything but Elizabeth has the gift of storytelling and of crafting a romance that left me sighing.
     The fighter spirit of Ash and Natalie as well as the light and spark of hope and defiance that they set into this world fraught with politics, segregation, violence and self centeredness.
     I want, no NEED more of Ash and Natalie's love and adventures in Black City.
     Bottom line: Loved this story! Great characters, fast plot and new take on vampires.

My question to you, my lovely readers:
Have you ever had a forbidden friendship or relationship?


  1. I have seen this one around and it has definitely peeked my interest. I have it on my TBR shelf. I really enjoy a new take on an old favorite, it's one of the best kinds of reads. Sounds like I would really enjoy this book. Great review! Jaclyn @ JC's Book Haven

  2. Thanks for a thorough review. I've been going back and forth on whether or not I should finally read my copy but your review just gave me the push.

    Have a nice weekend!

  3. Sounds like you had a great time enjoying the story - yay!! It's always good to know that the characters are doing something because there are deeper reasons moving them. Loved your review, Brandi!

  4. Oh wow, I like the idea of a new sort of vampire. Glad you really enjoyed all aspects of this one.

  5. I was so curious about this one but finally didn't ask for it, glad you loved it!

  6. I got a copy of this one, but haven't had the chance to read it yet. :) Good to know you enjoyed it so much! XD

  7. I am dying to read this! I already have it, but just need to find the time :D Awesome review! I've been hearing nothing but great things about this.

    Janina @ Synchronized Reading

  8. I'm so glad I read your review! I saw this at the library and was debating if I should check it out or not. Sounds like a great book =)

  9. I wanted to read black city ever since I first laid eyes on that gorgeous cover! Glad you liked the book, it looks awesome..

    Thanks for the great review :)

  10. AAAAHHHH I so want to read this, to many reviews and too many books in my tbr pile..maybe after the March Take Control challenge ..i will reward myself with this!

  11. Oh I've been curious about this one and now I'm even more so! Yes! I know I will read it!

  12. EEEEE so very excited. I have wanted to read this book forever. I have heard great things and you made me only want to read it more. great review.

  13. Ah! I've been wanting to read this book. So glad you liked it. And oh yes, I've had the forbidden love. It just made me want him more, then when we had each other... eh, wasn't that great. lol

  14. I'm so exhausted of vampires that I've honestly not even considered reading Black City. Maybe I should rethink that. So glad you enjoyed it!

  15. I had some mixed feelings about this book, but I mostly enjoyed it. I'm glad you really liked it! I thought that the mix of the world with the paranormal stuff worked pretty well and I'm curious to see where things go.

  16. I enjoyed reading this book a lot too especially the alternating perspectives of Natalie and Ash-so helpful in getting me to love them!

  17. That ending was just a WOW moment for me. Can't wait for Phoenix Rising

  18. I've wanted to read this book for a long time but up until now I really haven't realized how good it is. Wow I love your review...I mean characters are great, the plot sounds so good - what else can I ask for! Amazing review :)

  19. Hasn't everyone had a relationship that their parents disapprove of? I still do! My copy of this arrived yesterday and I can't wait to read it!

  20. I really want to read this book. Thanks for the review! Good to hear more good things about it. I need to get a copy of this one soon!

    --Sam @ SIK Book Reviews

  21. Great review. I wanted to read this so badly, and now I want to even more. It sounds so amazing. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever

  22. I love his book! I though it was so dark and really romantic. Great review!

    Kate @ Ex Libris

  23. While I don't fully understand the allure of dystopians OR vampire stories, this does sound strangely intriguing!


  24. I was so intrigued Black City's blurb and cover when I first came across it a couple months ago. I immediately added it to my TBR. After reading your review I definitely have to get my hands on this soon. Thanks.


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