
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Review: Trafficked by Kim Purcell

Trafficked by Kim Purcell
A 17-year-old Moldovan girl whose parents have been killed is brought to the United States to work as a slave for a family in Los Angeles.
Hannah believes she’s being brought from Moldova to Los Angeles to become a nanny for a Russian family. But her American dream quickly spirals into a nightmare. The Platonovs force Hannah to work sixteen-hour days, won’t let her leave the house, and seem to have a lot of secrets—from Hannah and from each other.
Stranded in a foreign land with false documents, no money, and nobody who can help her, Hannah must find a way to save herself from her new status as a modern-day slave or risk losing the one thing she has left: her life.
Publishes in US: February 16th 2012 by Viking Juvenile
Genre: YA Contemp
Source: bought
Series? No.

Buy it: Amazon
Barnes & Noble

Author stalk away: ~site 

    Trafficked was a breath of fresh air. I haven't read a contemporary on this topic, and I think that Ms. Purcell did a wonderful job portraying it. 
    I felt for Hannah, the main character so much. She didn't come from a life of priveledge, she'd lost her parents, and she thought that a new start in the US would be good for her. Little did she know what would await her. 
    The family that she ends up with seemed normal enough at first, but you quickly realized that there was a lot brewing under the surface. Sergei, the father, her supposed uncle, shows her unexpected kindness here and there, but he is still a part of the whole scheme. Then there is Lillian, who is a good mom when she wants to be, but so untrusting of her husband, and then the work that she forces Hannah to do-- the hours, the chores, not getting paid, keeping her in the house, among other things.
    It painted a grim picture, and I felt so much for Hannah, but also admired her because she kept showing resiliance, and a will to figure things out. She also was so good with the kids, Michael and Maggie, befriending and caring for them in such a tender way. 
    It of course, had to get to a pretty dark place before things could turn around for Hannah, and while I was def glad to see her story had an ending that didn't break my heart, what does break my heart is that people--teen and children are still living like this all around the world, and even in our country. 

Bottom Line: Chilling dive into human trafficking.

My question to you, my lovely readers:
Have you read or watched anything about trafficking?
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  1. sounds intense, but very interesting topic!

  2. Glad you liked this and yes I agree, Hannah's story sounds light compared to those other victims of slavery.

  3. Creepy and way too sad as it happens every day

  4. Poor girl! I don't think I've read a book like that either.

  5. This does sound like a compelling and relevant read. Thanks, Brandi!

  6. I haven't ready any books on it fiction or non-fiction but I have seen the movie Taken where the main character's daughter and friend are kidnapped while in Europe and the father does WHATEVER it takes to get his daughter back. And as I is searching for his daughter he uncovers different layers of sex trafficking in the country. I also follow the DNA Foundation (now called Thorn) on twitter which is focused on children trafficking.

  7. Sounds gritty. I tend to steer clear of this kind of stuff.

  8. Wow, this sounds intense! I just get chills from the description. Great review!

  9. Wow, what an intense sounding story! I'm glad it ended up well and wasn't all heartbreaking in the end. I haven't read anything before that delves into human trafficking. Thanks for sharing this chilling story Brandi!

  10. This sounds like a pretty heavy read. But something that is important to know about. Human trafficking involves more than the sex trade. And while most stories involving trafficked individuals don't have a happy ending, I am glad this one does.

    Thanks for sharing Brandi!

  11. I've been wanting to read this, and I'm glad you enjoyed it, even if it does sound like a very intense and heavy story. Great review!


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