
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday, WoW

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted over at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating. I also feature books that may have already released, but I am anxiously waiting to read.

This week, I'm featuring:
Ignite (Defy, #2)
Murder, abductions, and forbidden romance abound in this thrilling sequel to Sara B. Larson's acclaimed YA debut, DEFY.

Alexa remains by the newly crowned King Damian’s side as his guard, ever committed to helping him rebuild Antion and reclaim the hope of Antion's people, despite continuing to harbor a secret love for him. However, when another threat to Damian and his kingdom emerges, and blame is cast on their newly forged allies from Blevon, Alexa knows things are not what they seem. With the fate of her nation hanging in the balance once again, will Alexa be able to protect her king and uncover the true enemy -- before it's too late?
It's at my library, just haven't had a spot to read it
Releases: December 30th 2014 by Scholastic Press

Extraordinary Means
From the author of The Beginning of Everything: two teens with a deadly disease fall in love on the brink of a cure.

At seventeen, overachieving Lane finds himself at Latham House, a sanatorium for teens suffering from an incurable strain of tuberculosis. Part hospital and part boarding school, Latham is a place of endless rules and confusing rituals, where it's easier to fail breakfast than it is to flunk French.

There, Lane encounters a girl he knew years ago. Instead of the shy loner he remembers, Sadie has transformed. At Latham, she is sarcastic, fearless, and utterly compelling. Her friends, a group of eccentric troublemakers, fascinate Lane, who has never stepped out of bounds his whole life. And as he gradually becomes one of them, Sadie shows him their secrets: how to steal internet, how to sneak into town, and how to disable the med sensors they must wear at all times.

But there are consequences to having secrets, particularly at Latham House. And as Lane and Sadie begin to fall in love and their group begins to fall sicker, their insular world threatens to come crashing down. Told in alternating points of view, Extraordinary Means is a darkly funny story about doomed friendships, first love, and the rare miracle of second chances.

May 26th 2015 by Katherine Tegen Books

What are you waiting on?


  1. great picks, I already have Ignite, hope you enjoy it so much :D

  2. OOh nice! Haven't read Defy but seeing it around a lot! The other one is new to me!

    Here's my Wow

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. I've not heard of Ignite before, but I really am excited about Schneider's newest books, the early reviews have been great so far too! Great picks Brandi!

  4. Liking the sound of Ignite more so than your second book. With its mix of murder and abductions though not so much forbidden romance it certainly ticks a few boxes. Happy reading.

  5. These both look so good....and in the first book, the title Ignite captured me. Thanks!

    Here's mine:


  6. Hadn't heard of the 2nd one, I'll have to go look it up! Great picks!
    Check out my WOW

  7. I didn't know Robyn had a new book coming out - very curious to read it! I had mixed feelings about her first book. Also super excited for Ignite!

  8. I loved Ignite :) I thought it was a great sequel to Defy. Extraordinary Means looks pretty good.

  9. I still need to read Defy. I've had it on my shelf for quite some time now! Extraordinary Means sounds good as well! Lovely picks and Happy Wednesday!

  10. I have Extraordinary Means on my tbr also. I hope we both enjoy reading it.My WoW

  11. I hope you get arcs for these & hopefully they're fab reads

  12. I need to start the Defy series. Great choices.

  13. I still need to read Defy I better get in it.

    My WOW

  14. I wasn't a huge fan of Schneider's debit novel... I hope you love this book when you read it!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a fabulous rest-of-the-week, Brandi :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  15. I have not heard of either, but these sound like great reads!

  16. I hope you get to read these sound. They sound interesting- so I can understand why you are waiting for them. :)

  17. I haven't read Defy yet since some reviews totally put me off of it, but can't wait to read Extraordinary Means. :D

  18. Defy was so good. Can't wait to read Ignite.

  19. Oh both great picks! I know a ton of people loved Defy!

  20. These are both new to me. Hope you get your hands on them soon!

    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace


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