
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Stacking the Shelves, The Sunday Post

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews,  check it out and sign up  here
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It's a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

What I read:
Forever Loved (The Forever Series, #2)
source: publicist
James: Mercy Triumphs (Member Book)
source: bought
Alienated (Alienated, #1)
source: Disney Hyperion
Be with Me (Wait for You, #2)
source: HarperCollins via edelweiss
Cruel Beauty
source: Balzer + Bray via edelweiss
Trust in Me (Wait for You, #1.5)
source: bought

Didn't finish:
Anything to Have You
source: netgalley

Last Week on the blog:
The Scar Boys
Egmont via Netgalley
Tell Me When
Carina via Netgalley
Netgalley/Edelweiss via Harlequin Teen

My week:
Back has been okay and had a fun night on friday with some girlfriends.

What are you reading? Any of my books new to you or have you read any of my books? If so, what did you think?
Also, feel free to link up your blog and mailbox post.Follow on Bloglovin


  1. Oh! Paige Harbison is the daughter of one of my favorite authors, but I haven't read anything of hers. I'm sad to see it's a DNF though. What do you think of Cruel Beauty? I've seen so many reviews of the book already!

  2. I really need to read some Beth Moore. Looks like you got some other really good books this week too. I enjoyed Alienated, but I don't know that I'll continue the series.

    SP & STS
    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  3. I have both J. Lynn books for review. Hope you enjoy them too!

  4. I want to start reading that J.Lynn series, I've heard it's good. And I can't wait to read Cruel Beauty!
    Enjoy the new books :)

  5. Nice haul! I have read both Cruel Beauty and Alienated. I enjoyed both of them. Come see what I got this week at Inside of a Dog and Ms. Martin Teaches Media. Happy reading!

  6. I keep seeing Alienated everywhere...I should check it out! Have a great week!

  7. Lots of unfamiliar titles but they look like they were great! :)

    Happy reading!

    Amelia | The Authoress

  8. I've heard great things about Cruel Beauty, I hope you enjoyed it. I also have Be With Me but I haven't read it yet. Can't wait to hear to read your thoughts :)

    My STS

  9. Lots of awesome books :D I loved Cruel Beauty. <3 Still have to pick up my copy of Alienated (A) happy reading :)

  10. Aren't DNFs the worst? I hope I end up liking that one more than you did! And you read CRUEL BEAUTY this week... one I know I need to get to!

    My StS is here:

  11. Looks like you got plenty of good books this week! :D I'm sorry to hear that you didn't finish Anything to Have You, though. That's coming up on my list soon. :/ I'm glad to hear that your back is better, and that you had a fun night with friends! :D Great haul, girly!

  12. So many good books! I hope you enjoy them, Brandi!

  13. You had a great week and I am looking forward to your reviews this week. Enjoy your day!

  14. I didn't finish Anything to Have You either. The characters and dialogue wasn't for me. Great haul, can't wait to read Alienated!

  15. You had an amazing week. I still have yet to read Anything to Have You, but have gotten so many mixed reviews. Come check out my stack as well.

    Books of Love

  16. Loved Alienated and Cruel Beauty! Be With Me and Trust In Me were pretty great :)

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  17. Enjoy all your new books and I look forward to your reviews!

    Have a wonderful week! My
    Sunday Edition @ Paulette’s Papers

  18. Cruel Beauty seems to be all over the place. :) Have a great week!

  19. You trucked through a bunch of books! I will be reading Alienated and Cruel Beauty soon, hoping for good reads.

  20. I loved Cruel Beauty and Alienated!!!! I still need to read Trust In Me! I started it but sometimes it is hard for me to get into books where it is the same story told by a different perspective since I feel like a lot repeats. It's nice to get the other perspective but sometimes it is hard for it to keep my attention. Thanks for stopping by!

  21. I want Be With Me! I don't think I'll pick up the 1.5 though, I think that's basically the first one but in Cam's POV, right? Not really into that re-hashing. Enjoy your reads, Brandi! :)

  22. You've read some awesome books! Looking forward to your J. Lynn reviews!!

    Thanx for visiting My Weekly Wrap-Up!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  23. So many good looking books! I can't wait for Forever Loved, the first one was so emotional heartbreaking, and that ending.. I have to continue with the series!! I'm really excited about Be With Me! And I cannot wait for Cruel Beauty! I've heard really good things about that one!!

  24. you had many new books to me, I hope you'll like them. happy reading!

  25. I'm glad your back is feeling better! I'll have to check out your review of Cruel Beauty.

  26. Excited to see what you thought of Alienated.


I would love to hear from you! (I always try to visit your blog back) I love links, so feel free to link to your blog or a post you like.
Sorry, but I am award and tag free zone, I do not have the time to return. Comments are reward enough :)