
Saturday, November 15, 2014

Stacking the Shelves, The Sunday Post, Bought Borrowed and Bagged

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews,  check it out and sign up  here
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It's a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

Bought, Borrowed, & Bagged is a weekly meme, hosted by TalkSupe, where I share with you the books I have bought, borrowed, or bagged. Link up with me here.

What I read:
The Book of Ivy (The Book of Ivy, #1)
source:  Entangled: Teen
In The Afterlight (The Darkest Minds, #3)
source:  Disney-Hyperion
The New Normal
source: library
Paranormalcy (Paranormalcy, #1)
source: library
The Dead Girls' Dance (The Morganville Vampires, #2)
source: bought

Last  2 Weeks on the blog:
Glass Houses (The Morganville Vampires, #1)
source: bought

Stone Cold Touch (The Dark Elements, #2)
source: bought
Eternal (Shadow Falls: After Dark, #2)

New giveaways exclusive to my blog:
 Brandi's Merry Christmas to you Giveaway from 11/1 ends 11/30: book of choice from book depository

Stolen (Heart of Dread, #2) Alistair Grim's Odditorium Stray Heart of Dread Stolen by Melissa Cruz, Alistar Grim's Odditorium by Funaro and Stray by Sussman (US only) ends 11/28
 2 copies ETERNAL by C.C. Hunter ends 11/25 (Us only)
 Exclusive Giveaway and Guest Post: Shanti and the Magic Mandala by F.T. Camargo

My weeks: This week I have been exhausted and my fibro flaring, but it was all for a good reason because last week I was in Disney with my family. I ended up having to take a lot of meds, but had a good time. I got to eat some of my favorite cupcakes in the world, went to Mickey's Christmas Party with awesome parade, show and fireworks. My youngest favorite was Dumbo and meeting Mickey at dinner. My oldest just now is liking roller coasters, so she loved the new Mine train, thunder mountain and goofy coaster. Splash mountain was still a little much for her and she went through space mountain line and then decided not to ride since you are in a seat by yourself.

What are you reading? Any of my books new to you or have you read any of my books? If so, what did you think?
Also, feel free to link up your blog and mailbox post.


  1. What gorgeous photos. I'm glad you had a lovely time that made your fibro flaring feel worth it. I haven't read the books you've read, but I really want to start The Darkest Minds trilogy.

  2. Aw, looks like you guys had an amazing time at Disney :D So jealous. <3 and so happy for you :) I haven't read any of these books, but they look pretty awesome ;p Hope you will love them all. <3 (those you haven't read yet :)) Happy reading Brandi.

  3. Loads of fun. :)

    You've had quite a busy couple of weeks! i hope you'll have an even more fruitful week coming up. :)

  4. Oh wow! Busy busy busy! I am dying to get back to Disney World! We were planning for next year but decided to hold off for another year so we can see the new Frozen ride in 2016! It's going to be such a looooong wait!!

    Seeing your child asleep in the stroller reminds me of me as a kid! I think I did that too during a parade. Might have been the night one!

    Hope you enjoy your reads!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. Oh some great pictures! I'm happy you had a good time! Happy reading!

  6. It looks like you all had such a fun time. I'm glad it was worth it.

  7. Adorable photos! Enjoy your new books....

  8. Awww looks like so much fun. Enjoy your books.

  9. I loved Paranormalcy, I hope you did too!

    Amazing photos Brandi and it looks like the kids had so much fun. Your little prince there looks like he had a fun overload.

  10. Hope you are feeling better! Looks like you had an amazing time, thanks for sharing the photos with us :)
    Heading over to check out your review of Glass Houses, really curious about that one!

  11. I hope you are feeling much better! I was at Disney World last week too (& at Mickey's Christmas Party), I'm so sad to be back home now :-(

    I hope you enjoy your new books.

    Happy reading. Sharon – Obsession with Books

  12. sound like you are reading some fun staff :) what a beautiful pictures, hope you enjoyed that trip to Disney World :)

  13. My nieces and nephews love Thunder Mountain. I'm a bit of a roller coaster wimp and that's about all I can handle lol

    I'm glad you had such a good time and I've heard so many good things about The Book of Ivy.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  14. I still need to read Paranormalcy and Morganville Vampires # 2! Husband and I LOVE Disney! Especially this time of year! Lots of cute pictures!

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  15. YAY for Disney, Brandi! Sounds like you had a great time, even if you weren't feeling so good; I hope you're feeling better now.
    Nice haul this week! Enjoy your new books.

  16. I love your pictures! We haven't been to DIsney in years but it is one of my favorite places. Looking forward to visiting again. Hope you're feeling better! Have a great week!

  17. Disneyland - such a magical place :-)

    Paranormalcy have been on my want list for awhile now - will get it someday.

    here's my sts:

    AND, if you like Jane Austen, feel free to check out my Pemberley Ball virtual book event here:

  18. YAY for In the Afterlight! Love the series. Cute family pics! I hope you enjoy all of your new books :)

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a fabulous weekend :D

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  19. Aw, cute photos. That's great you had a nice time. I want to visit Disney again.

  20. Oh i love the photos and need to get Afterlight. I love the darkest mind series!

  21. The photos are so cute! I enjoyed Stone Cold Touch, did you? :)

    Here's mine:

  22. Great pics Brandi! Looks like loads of fun! I haven't been to an amusement park in sooooooo long! Some thing I will have to do with the kids!

    Thanx for visiting My Weekly Wrap-Up!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace


I would love to hear from you! (I always try to visit your blog back) I love links, so feel free to link to your blog or a post you like.
Sorry, but I am award and tag free zone, I do not have the time to return. Comments are reward enough :)