
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Booking Through Thursday- My book boyfriends

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Check out here for the question and to link up your post.

Question: Have you ever fallen in love with a fictional character? Who and what about them did you love?

Answer: Why yes, I have:
Gavin from The Light of Asteria by Elizabeth Isaacs Picture of pure and true love, including forgiveness
Dimitri from Vampire Academy (although I wouldn't mind me some Adrian) by Richelle Mead who wouldn't want him for a protector and soulmate
Ash from The Iron Fey Series by Julie Kagawa I can't help the bad boys with a soft heart
Trevor from Minder by Kate Kaynak Can you say devotion??
Edward from Twilight by Stephenie Meyer Need I explain?

(Links go to my reviews)

What about you? Do we share any book boyfriends?
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  1. Ah I've only read Twilight from your list I need some more swoon worthy men in my life so I will have to check those books out. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I've only ever read Twilight out of your list...i loved Jasper. :) But I do fall for fictional characters quite often, esp. when it came to the Harry Potter series.


  3. Oh, I love bad boys wit a soft heart! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  4. Bad boys with a soft heart - gimme one of those! ;) I like the way you put it - book boyfriends.

  5. I had to check out those books:-) I have only read the VA and twilight. But I did fall in love with Dimitri. I read the poison study by maria v. snyder and loved Valek. He was strong and compassionate toward Yelena--a protector. So I have to say that even though he killed people for a living, he was swoon worthy:-) I have lots of others, but have to get ready for the day:-)

    1. You have to look past the killing, lol, just like for Damon in Vamp Diaries. But only in the book world, right?

  6. I love this feature, so much fun :) Ash and Dimitri <3


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