Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Review: The Loop by Shandy Lawson

The Loop
The Loop by Shandy Lawson
Ben and Maggie have met, fallen in love, and died together countless times. Over the course of two pivotal days—both the best and worst of their lives—they struggle again and again to resist the pull of fate and the force of time itself. With each failure, they return to the beginning of their end, a wild road trip that brings them to the scene of their own murders and into the hands of the man destined to kill them.
As time circles back on itself, events become more deeply ingrained, more inescapable for the two kids trapped inside the loop. The closer they come to breaking out, the tighter fate’s clutches seem to grip them. They devise a desperate plan to break free and survive the days ahead, but what if Ben and Maggie’s only shot at not dying is surviving apart?
Publishes in US: April 30th 2013 by Hyperion
Genre: YA science Fiction
Source: ARC Disney Hyperion for review
Series? No.

Buy it:  Barnes & Noble  Amazon  IndieBound  BookDepository.com

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   The Loop was a suspenseful twist on time travel. Ben and Maggie lived the same two days over and over again, and fate led them to the same place to face the same guy and die the same death. But Maggie is able to remember some of the things from previous loops, and Ben is able to bend the loop some, so they try to change what happens. 
    While I enjoyed the story, I had some issues. The first is why Roy was after them. There is a brief explanation that I didn't quite understand about money and a horse track. The second is their seeming insta-love. I get that Maggie can remember Ben, and Ben has a sense of dejavu. Also that they have been through this who knows how many times together, but still I guess I don't get their love for each other despite the fact that they are placed in these incredibly dangerous situations together. 
    The ending was pretty clever and tied up the plot pretty well. It left me satisfied. 
     That aside, I liked the story and their characters. They had personality, and I saw some character growth in this story.
Bottom Line: Fun and quick but I wasn't blown away.

My question to you, my lovely readers:
Have you ever felt a sense of dejavu?


  1. I am always fascinated with time travel, weirdly enough I haven't read a book about it yet. I do have an arc of this one though, glad to hear the ending was satisfying. Although I am disappointed to hear that you didn't understand why they were being pursued, I like to know as much as possible about backstory and I have am impatient lol.

    Kristin @ Young Adult Book Haven

    1. Time travel interests me a lot, and this actually is least fave of the ones i have read

  2. I never heard of this book before. It sounds really interesting and fun. And yay for being fun! I haven't read a lot of books on time travelling. I def. am interesting in reading more books about TT. ;)

  3. I've never heard of this before, but it doesn't sound like it's for me. Unfortunately. If they have insta-love, I'm out-- and who is Roy, LOL? Rocking review, Brandi! (:

    I don't think that I've ever had Dejavu...hmm.

    1. Roy is antagonist.
      The insta love was sorta different since they'd lived it before, but why the first time is my question

  4. Time travel is something I find interesting, and this sounds right up my alley. Great review.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever

  5. I do love time travel books, so I will have to check this out!

  6. I love time travel books but they always make me feel stupid because I have to work extra hard to figure them out, especially if I sense the time travel bits have holes, which they usually do.

    1. This was different in that it was mostly all in one time, and was obvious when it changed

  7. This sounds like a very interesting read. I don't think I've actually read a time travel book before. Insta-love kind of suck. Glad you found some good in it though Brandi :) Awesome review!

    Janina @ Synchronized Reading

  8. it's been a long time since I read or saw something about en never ending day, it can be nice. Always makes me reminding if an episode of Stargate SG1 TV show lol.

    1. I did like that aspect of it, it just ended up not being what I wanted it to be

  9. eh, fun and quick is good, but for buying I want more

  10. Um... didn't you already ask me that?

    Actually the book sounds a bit like deja vu. Nothing of note and it sounds the same. Still, might be a nice fun read when lounging.

  11. I have always felt deja vu. Even when I was little and had no idea what it was. So weird. I'm glad you liked this, despite not being blown away.

  12. I have a review copy of this and wasn't sure if I wanted to give it a go. I'm a bit turned off by the instalove and the issues you have, but I'm glad to hear you liked it overall. Maybe I'll give it a try after all. :-)

  13. I haven't read a good time travel in a long time. Happy it was good, even if it wasn't great.

  14. I wonder if Ben and Maggie could get out of the loop in the end... Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, Brandi! In relation to your question, I don't think I've ever felt deja vu when I'm awake.

  15. I have this one on my TBR and I love time travel books. I think that even if the characters have a past (or future, or whatever) and so that 'explains' the instalove, we still need something to show us that feeling. I don't know if it's something that will bother me or not, but hopefully I can read it soon and find out!

  16. I have experienced deja vu many times, but couldn't tell you one instance of it. They always slip away from me as soon as they happen.

    I think maybe because they are in a desperate situation, I could understand them falling for each other. Are they the only three characters in the book? This is one I'd really have to read before I could tell if the insta love bothered me. It does sound like a really unique situation.
    Great review. I like your honesty about not being blown away.


  17. I like time travel novels. I had not heard of this book before but it sounds really interesting. I have experienced deja vu lots of times. I've had discussions with my friends why this happens and what really goes on with our brain and it was always fun hearing different ideas lol

  18. Ha we both did time travel books today, while this didn't blow you away I am glad you enjoyed it. This is the first I have heard of it and appreciate your honest review and intro.

  19. I'm so intrigued by this, and I do not read a lot of books involving time travel!

  20. This plot line sounds fantastic to me! I do see your points on your issues you had with it, though. I think I'll probably still give this one a try. Great review!

  21. This sounds very original! I like time travel books with a twist, thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  22. Sometimes fun is exactly what I'm looking for.


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