Sunday, April 13, 2014

Giveaway and Guest Post: Prime Deception by Carys Jones (Int)

 Sunkissed by Carys Jones
Dawn Summers is dying. It’s 1853 and as the seventeen year old continues to fade away she has visions of the father she never knew, urging her to fight for her life.
In the small village of Fandova the only medical care is in the form of the mysterious Dr. Moralus who has a known penchant for bloodletting. Thomas, Dawn's fiancé, is warned against inviting his intervention, but feels he has no choice, he pleads with the doctor to save Dawn’s life…whatever it takes.
Whatever it ‘takes’ has some consequences neither of them expected. Now, it’s a hunt to the death, with both Dawn and Thomas determined to win.
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Prime Deception-- comes out 7.4.14!
When Lorna Thomas is found dead in her car everyone believes she killed herself. But the day after her death Lorna was set to sell a scandalous story to one of Britain’s biggest tabloid papers. For six months she had been the Deputy Prime Minister’s mistress.
Will Lorna’s secret die with her? While her family try to move on and come to terms with her death one person refuses to believe that Lorna killed herself. Her twin sister, Laurie is convinced that Lorna was murdered and she’ll stop at nothing to prove it, even if that means teaming up the very man her sister had been having an affair with…
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Guest post with Blkosiner's Book Blog

My Ten Favorite Ways to Procrastinate
In an ideal world I’d write solidly pretty much all day long. But there are just so many temptations pulling me away from my laptop that some days I struggle to just focus on taking the words from inside my mind and capturing them on the screen. So I shall share with you the ten main offenders for robbing me of precious writing time;

Grey’s Anatomy

My equal devotion to both McDreamy and McSteamy is a constant distraction from writing. I love watching Grey’s, there is something about the drama of life saving surgery that is impossible to ignore! I own all the seasons on DVD and regularly re-watch them when I should be writing…

Walking Rollo

Rollo is my beloved dog and I think that I enjoy going for walks more than he does! I live near some woodland which is really nice to go walking in and take in the abundance of nature. It also gives me an opportunity to clear my head. I do some of my best thinking when I’m out walking with Rollo.

Girly Lunches

If a friend calls up suggesting an impromptu girly lunch I can never turn them down! I love spending time with my friends. I’ve grown up with them all and we are like a little family. Seeing them always brightens up my day.

Final Fantasy

I adore the Final Fantasy franchise and have just bought the latest installment in the series. The games are amazing but so immersive and they require a lot of time and dedication, which I happily commit to but sadly it is often at the expense of my writing!

Animal Crossing New Leaf

Animal Crossing is just so addictive! Every day you have to log on and tend to your village through watering plants and helping out your residents. I easily lose an hour a day to my little town! I feel bad if I neglect it for too long and so delay writing to go catch virtual fish…

Bath Time

Having a bubble bath is easily one of my favorite things to go. I love lying back in the bubbles and just letting all my troubles of the day drift away. In the evening, when I should be finishing off my writing I’m usually switching my computer off early so that I can indulge in a long, luxurious bubble bath! The more bubbles the better!

Cups of Tea

Being British I love my tea and my days are centered around them. I regularly stop writing to go and make myself a nice fresh cup. I like to curl up on the sofa and watch one of my other procrastination causes; Grey’s Anatomy!

The Internet

Idly browsing the internet became such a big problem for me in terms of drawing my focus away from writing that I had to disconnect the computer where I write from the wi-fi system completely. I shut myself away in my study and can only write on my laptop. I have another computer downstairs which is connected to the internet where I can do virtual window shopping to my heart’s content!

Household Chores

Don’t get me wrong, household chores are extremely important. I’m very much a tidy house, tidy mind sort of person. But a day spent hovering, washing and polishing my house is a day spent not writing. So as essential as cleaning may be, it does force me to procrastinate from my writing.

My Kindle

One thing that can keep me away from my own stories is a really great story written by someone else. Usually I read only at night before I go to sleep, but if a story really grips me, my reading time bleeds in to my day and instead of writing my own stuff, I’m hungrily reading through a fantastic story! But reading wonderful stories also helps as it inspires me to want to up my game and create memorable books of my own!

Blkosiner's Book Blog Giveaway
-Fill out Rafflecopter to enter
-Ends on 5/11/2014 11:59 pm EST
-If you win a review on your blog and/or amazon is appreciated but not required.

*If, for whatever reason, the Rafflecopter widget does not appear, you can click on the link where it says rafflecopter giveaway and it will show up, sorry for the inconvenience.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Ooh, intrigued by the mysterious Dr. Moralus I really like the sound of Sunkissed, Prime Deception not so much but then historical fiction really is my favourite genre and I admit to being drawn by anything medical.

  2. Thanks for sharing the guest post!

  3. The internet really is a distraction! I find myself wasting time accidentally all the time. I also like to walk my dog, but no woods right by my house, unfortunately. :( Though I could drive to some, I'm too lazy to do so. Awesome guest post!

  4. Tea, internet, house chores, I know how you feel! I love Earlgrey tea the moistest. :D I also absolutely love Animal Crossing, I even made sure to buy an updated DS just so I could get the new town! It is definitely too addicting for it's own good <3


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Sorry, but I am award and tag free zone, I do not have the time to return. Comments are reward enough :)