Moonglass by Jessi Kirby
Source: From Publisher for honest review.
My Review:
This is a perfect mixture of grief and romance. I really connected with the main character Anna, and Ms. Kirby wrote her emotions beautifully and they really evoke a response.
I enjoyed reading about Anna's relationship with her father, there is pain that they work through, time honored family traditions that they uphold, and I really enjoyed the parts where they get honest with each other.
Anna's relationship with Tyler is sweet, and he really is a good guy even though his reactions to some stuff still really has me puzzled. But, that is just the trademark of a well written and true to form guy.
The friendships that are formed in this book are a bit surprising. Ashley is both the opposite and exactly what I expected, and I really like the competition and comradry between Anna and Jillian.
I'd love to hear what you think about this book and/or my review.
I read once that water is a symbol for emotions. And for a while now, I've thought maybe my mother drowned in both.Published in US: May 3rd 2011
Anna's life is upended when her father accepts a job transfer the summer before her junior year. It's bad enough that she has to leave her friends and her life behind, but her dad is moving them to the beach where her parents first met and fell in love- a place awash in memories that Anna would just as soon leave under the surface.
While life on the beach is pretty great, with ocean views and one adorable lifeguard in particular, there are also family secrets that were buried along the shore years ago. And the ebb and flow of the ocean's tide means that nothing- not the sea glass that she collects on the sand and not the truths behind Anna's mother's death- stays buried forever.
Source: From Publisher for honest review.
My Review:
This is a perfect mixture of grief and romance. I really connected with the main character Anna, and Ms. Kirby wrote her emotions beautifully and they really evoke a response.
I enjoyed reading about Anna's relationship with her father, there is pain that they work through, time honored family traditions that they uphold, and I really enjoyed the parts where they get honest with each other.
Anna's relationship with Tyler is sweet, and he really is a good guy even though his reactions to some stuff still really has me puzzled. But, that is just the trademark of a well written and true to form guy.
The friendships that are formed in this book are a bit surprising. Ashley is both the opposite and exactly what I expected, and I really like the competition and comradry between Anna and Jillian.
I'd love to hear what you think about this book and/or my review.