Nothing But Your Memories by H. B. Clementine
"I knew it. As I lie on a white bed in a white room with white light filtering in through the shade on the window, I know it has finally happened. The Shift is complete."
The radically new lifestyle of the Alternation of Generation world has more flaws than it may seem. A young woman named Mira Cobbleson has awoken for the first time in her new "body" with a feeling of unease. The Fisk, the city she is assigned to, seems too perfect to be real, but can it be any worse than the overcrowded cities and cramped apartments of life before the Shift? She stumbles upon others who feel it is worse, and they want to escape. Mira joins forces with them, and, together, they work to find a way to freedom---but their plan may be as flawed as the city they are trapped in.
Site: http://nothingbutyourmemories.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nothingbutyourmemories?ref=hl
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hbclementine
--The Twitter version: tell us about your book in 140 characters or less.
Nothing But Your Memories-overpopulation leads to The Alternation of Generation society in which both bodies and time are shared.
--How did you get the idea for the story?
I have been writing about alternate worlds since I was in elementary school, which caused me to contemplate big issues, such as sharing time and bodies, in these unfamiliar societies. When I penned Nothing But Your Memories, I used ideas and concepts that I had begun to formulate in fourth and fifth grade.
--Do you have any other works in progress? Any teasers or release dates?
I have actually finished a second novel and have outlined a series of six books. It's the same world, but it has different characters and posed fifty years later. The complexities of social realities and mental stress of sharing time and bodies is further exposed as the society evolves. The challenges and unique social relationships the characters face in the Alternation of Generation society becomes more twisted and complex as time goes on, with no end or death in sight. The characters in the first novel are not carried through to the second, but the characters within the second novel and the story are carried throughout the six book series.
H. B. Clementine won the BookLogix Young Writers Contest for Nothing But Your Memories at age fourteen while attending Asheville Christian Academy. Now a junior at the nationally recognized North Carolina School of Science and Math, she enjoys writing, playing soccer, and goofing off with family and friends. H. B. Clementine is now creating a series that lights the unsettling path of the Alternation of Generation universe introduced in Nothing But Your Memories.

Giveaway is for: Nothing But Your Memories ebook and a $10 Amazon gift card or Paypal cash (Int)
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Open: 5/25-6/15
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