I'm Not Her by Janet Gurtler

Brainy Tess Smith is the younger sibling of the beautiful, popular, volleyball-scholarship-bound Kristina. When Kristina is diagnosed with bone cancer, it drastically changes both sisters' lives. Sometimes the things that annoy us the most about our siblings are the ones we'd miss the most if we lost them.

Publishes in US: May 2011
Standalone novel
Source: Teen Book Scene
My Review:
This was a really powerful and emotional story, about love, family and discovering who you are.
I'm not her addresses popularity and letting who you are shine. Tess breaks my heart, and I'm able to relate with how she feels and what she battles with. It's hard watching her learn about her friend, who her sister is to her, and discovering new things about what she once mocked.
It's really eye-opening to see how cancer really effects the community and to see how even little things can make an impact.
The family dynamics are well written and very believable. It's hard to read, but at the same time, I can see pieces of my family, my behaviors in each and it's hard to look down at all when you know where they are coming from.
If you like emotional reads, contemporary, then I'd definitely recommend giving this a read.
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