Sunday, September 12, 2010

Immb 20

In my mailbox is a weekly meme started at The Story Siren which explores the contents of your mailbox and is designed to put new books on the radar, and encourage blogger interaction.

And here is what I got: (book links go to


Angel Star (Angel Star, #1) by Jennifer Murgia Angel Star by Jennifer Murgia My review is here
Almost to Die For (A Vampire Princess of St. Paul, #1) by Tate Hallaway Almost to die for by Tate Hallaway My review is here

From the library: by Liane Shaw (currently reading)

I also won an awesome prize pack from All Consuming Books: Reviews by Tiger for participating in the Ultimate Reviewers challenge that included:
-Other by Karen Kincy
-signed She's So Dead to Us by Kieran Scott
-signed Beautiful Creatures
-Siren by Tricia Rayburn
-Forgive my Fins by Tera Lynn Childs
-Voice of Dragons by Carrie Vaughn
-The Ghost & the Goth by Stacey Kade (donated by Bella at Paranormal Obsession)
-The Mark by M.R. Bunderson
-signed How to Ruin Your Boyfriend's Reputation by Simone Elkeles
-Still the One by Robin Wells – signed
-Over the Moon by Diane Daniels
-signed Fragile Eternity by Melissa Marr
-assorted swag!