The Heart of the Ancients: Kailmeyra's Redemption
(Kailmeyra #3) by Elizabeth Isaacs
Following Nora and Gavin’s defeat of the Dokkalfar, the kingdom has flourished and brought hope to its people.
But looks can be deceiving.
Like wisps of death, darker emotions seep into unexpected places. Now the nighttime holds fresh horrors for Gavin as Nora’s visions of the future invade her dreams. Though Nora can’t remember them, she knows Gavin sees her mind as clearly as his own. Noticing the affects her nightmares have on him, Nora warns Gavin of the dire consequences of altering fate. But she fears he’ll do whatever it takes to assure her visions don’t come true—even going against all he believes.
When Nora and Gavin discover Mia, the new Empress of the Dokkalfar, is growing stronger, they return to Earth sooner than planned. But Nora's old home isn’t what it used to be. Civilization has plunged back into the Dark Ages and the Earth is on the brink of annihilation.
As Nora and Gavin find themselves at the Edge of the World, doubt plagues them. Are they walking a path which alters fate or one elaborately planned by the enemy?

Publishes in US:
Nov 11, 2014
Genre: fantasy
Source: author
Kailmeyra #3
My reviews of previous books:
#1 The Light of Asteria: Kailmeyra's last hope
The Secret of the Keepers Kailmeyra's Strength
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I love this series, and if you have been reading my blog, you've probably seen the first two books on a lot of my favorites lists. I love the world she has created and the pure relationship between the main character Nora and her beloved Gavin. Their story together began on earth as we know it, but it continues in this beautiful and magical world of Kailmeyra.
The writing, the action, the family, friendship, romance and world building have held me captive since the first book, and I have been looking forward to this book for a long time. This is such an emotional series, with fleshed out characters that I adore to no end. Kailmeyra has scenery that I would love to paint myself into, and Gavin is so one of my book boyfriends except for the fact that he is so madly and deeply in love with Nora that I guess I don't have much of a chance.
The characters were superb as usual. The clan make their appearances including Rune as they go to earth to help defeat the Dokkalfar. Along the way they meet a new character Cali and I thoroughly enjoyed her. She was a strong human and unbeknownst to her she has some strong lines and name and they join Nora and Gavin along their journey. Weylin has a larger presence as well and I liked getting to know him. He is such a warrior and I love his sense of humor.
The action is great in this one and there was always something catching me by surprised, But what I love most, and have loved about this series is that the character development takes the front seat. I like how intentions are so important to them and that is what strengthens them, and therein defeats the darkness. Physical closeness and devotion to their mate plays a different role in relationships, their strength and source of power than as in on earth, and I love this culture.
I was just sad while reading because I knew that one of my favorite series was racing towards its final words. I have loved these relationships, friendships, the family emphasis and the stunningly crafted world that they live in, and will miss them. I remembered crossing my fingers so hard to win a signed copy of the first book and my joy when it arrived on my doorstep and little did I know the friendship I would share with the author Elizabeth and the passion I would feel for this emotional, awesome series.
I got the closure that I wanted even though I love it so much, I wouldn't mind a spin off with Weylin, especially after his story in this one. So many things happened that I wasn't expecting but the element of human emotion and intent played out so beautifully with what Nora had to do to survive as well as live up to her title as Light and Hope to different races. Things with her that I was hoping did happen and I was so squeally when I read my suspicions confirmed. But that just made parts of the journey even more significant and difficult, but in the best way.
Bottom Line: Beautiful, emotional, perfection.
My question to you, my lovely readers:
Do you think you could discern walking a path which alters fate or one elaborately planned by the enemy?