Saturday, February 25, 2012

What do you think of negative reviews?

Personally, I tend to not really post many negative reviews because several of reasons:
1-I’m pretty good at picking what I will like
2-When I do pick one I don’t like, I usually don’t finish, and I don’t think it’s fair to review an unfinished book.
3-I hope to be published one day and I don’t want to burn any bridges.

Do you post them or not and what's your thoughts?


  1. I'm with you on the first two reasons. I usually know what I'll like, and I don't finish a ton of things that I HATE...because I tend to like parts of a book, if not all. I don't really post negative reviews in the sense of being REALLY negative. I don't find that fair. I like to share the things I do and do not like in any review, if I can.


    1. Very good point! I do try to point out if there are things I don't like too.

  2. Great question, Brandi. I feel bad posting negative reviews so I only review books that I would give at least 3 stars to. That way, I can discuss the parts of the book I didn't like but it's still a book I would recommend to others.

    Just like you, I hope to be published one day and I don't want to say something that will come back to bite me.

    1. If I don't give more than 3, then I probably don't finish it, so I'm with you!

  3. I post negative reviews though it doesn't happen much. I'm also pretty good at picking out books I will like. But I do think it's important to post reviews for books you also dislike. It helps other readers and authors coming to you with review requests to understand what you do and don't like about a book.

    1. That's a good thought too, will try to consider ways to incorporate that.

  4. Since my blog was started simply as a place for me to record my thoughts on the books I read, I post them all--the good, the bad, and the ugly. Fortunately, like you, I'm pretty good at picking my books, so it's rare that I give out any 1 or 2 stars (or less). But, that said, I have no problem posting negative reviews. I try very hard to find good qualities in everything I read and not post anything hateful. But I do think I should be honest--and I want to be able to refresh my memory on what I did or did not like in a book. Of course, it helps that the great percentage of books I read are by authors who are long gone from this world and unlikely to have any affect on my longings to be a published mystery writer.

    1. I think it's important to note that you seem to post the "good: kind of negative reviews-- all based on the book and not author bashing, which is something I should have mentioned in the post! When I do point out things I don't like, I try to stick to the book too!

  5. I'm the same in that if I don't like a book I don't finish it and I don't think I can give a fair review to a book I didn't finish.
    That said, I've posted somewhat negative reviews. If I read it, I didn't hate it and I must have liked the book at least a little. If there were things I didn't like I'm going to have to talk about them, but, I do always try to make a point of explaining what I didn't like and why and talking about what I liked about the book as well. I think of it as being critical rather than negative.

    1. That is a good way to put it... critical not negative!

  6. Oh my gosh, I agree with this post so much, Brandi!! <3 People ask me why I post a lot more 5 and 4 star books than anything else, and those are the EXACT reasons I have in my head! I usually try not to read books I know I won't like, but if I do, then maybe I won't finish or I'll set it aside for later after I've read the books that I'm anxious to pick up instead! x) And I also find it so much easier to review books that I like than ones that I don't, so I tend to always write those ones before I write the negative ones too. :)

    Really awesome post, Brandi! There's a lot of talk going around about negative reviews now and I'm really glad that you addressed this aspect of it! :)

    1. It is SO much easier to write a positive. Negative reviews sap me :(

  7. My reasons are the same as 1 and 2. I do give out 3 out of 5 stars but in a way, I still enjoyed the book. The last book I would have given a 1 to was so boring, I couldn't be bothered to finish it.

    1. To me 3/5 is still praise even though some authors don't see it that way. On amazon and goodreads, 3 means "I Liked It"

  8. I recently wrote a bad review and trust me, it did break my heart. However, I always find good things to say about the book and I'm always respectful in stating my opinion. I've actually had authors thank me for doing this so I don't write very many bad reviews but when I do, honesty is key.
    Janiera @This is From my Heart

    1. If authors still thank you, then it's the good kind of negative review that focuses on the book. There have been infamous neg reviews that start in on the author themselves.
      I respect bloggers who can be critical but still respectful!

  9. Reasons 1 & 2 are the same for me. I don't want to waste my time reading a sucky is too short for that. I have accepted reviews for books that I was sure I'd enjoy but in the end contacted the author instead of posting a really bad review. If I finish the book then it's fair game to share my thoughts both good and bad.

  10. I agree with all three of your reasons. I feel that way, too. I hate giving bad reviews. If I read anything that doesn't make a three stars I won't post it. But even with 3 and 4 star review, I like to give the author a why I gave them the number of stars. So I always say nice things first and then I give my reasons why they didn't make a 5 stars as nicely as possible. It is hard sometimes, but as an author I want to know why the person didn't like it or what was wrong with it.

  11. Tricky subject! I haven't posted many bad reviews because of your first two reasons. But once or twice I had to, and it wasn't easy at all. I tried to point out nice things about the books, and then the things that didn't work out for me. I believe in constructive criticism, that helps improve and not the one that just steps on everything. I hope that makes sense!

  12. I'm quite picky with the books I read too, so the need to write a negative review doesn't come along often. I always finish the books I start even if I don't enjoy them - I don't know why, but I just can't leave a book unfinished. I don't avoid writing negative review. I just do my best to ensure they are constructive and balanced and are in no way attacking either the book or the author.

    1. I am glad I'm able to put down, but I'm with you, if I finish, then I review.

  13. I think it's important to write and read negative reviews. I do write negative reviews myself, because I think it's important to be honest. I do however, make sure that people realise that it's just my opinion. I might hate a book, but someone else might love it. I don't think there's any need for cruel or snarky remarks, though. :)

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  14. I post them. I also am not worried about being published one day. Everyone has their own reasons for posting or not posting negative reviews and that is fine with me. I do notice that my negative reviews seem to get more comments, I don't really understand that.

    1. Interesting about the more comments on negative reviews!

  15. Oooh, I think these are really good points. I don't often review books I don't like for the same reasons--I'm fairly good at finding books I like... but when I do, I try to be fair, objective, point out any issues were MINE, not necessarily the book's, and highlight what was good as well. GREAT post and thoughts ;)

  16. I post reviews of books that I don't like, but I try to keep it professional and always mention something positive about the book, while still explaining why I didn't like it. But if I don't finish a book, I'll simply write a DNF post where I explain why I didn't finish it - and I don't rate a book I didn't finish, because I agree with you - it's really not fair to rate or review a book that you didn't finish.

  17. I rarely write anything negative. It's just bad mojo all the way around. I find that I like a book within the first 50 pages. If I don't, I take it off the TBR and move on.


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